❝ X.enon ❞ ↪ Cheon Dongseok


BACKGROUND + Dongseok was born into an average family, but with just his mother and sister. His fathers whereabouts are unknown, but Dongseok's mother is able to take care of them on her own. He was always a fun child and was able to make anyone around him smile by prancing around and singing. He was interested in music because he was surrounded by it all the time and was impressed by all the different talents. He learned how to play guitar, and still practices, but he doesn't put as much effort in guitar lessons as he does to vocal lessons. Dongseok's interested in dancing as well, but his rapping is terrible. Sometimes he's interested in acting so he can act together with his sister, but he's not confident in being a different person. His mother was glad to let him learn as much as he wants. She says it's good that a person wants to learn so many new things.

+ Dongseok is a joyous guy who enjoys having fun. He's very outgoing and friendly. When he hears music, he can't help but hum or sing quietly along. People call him a Happy Virus because of his never-ending smiles and laughs. He only frowns or is quiet when the situation calls for it, or when someone around him is unhappy. Whenever he meets someone new, he will always put on a big smile and introduce himself in hopes to make a good impression. He seldom holds grudges, and only does so when a person insults his family or one of his closer friends. Whenever Dongseok is playing or singing for a serious reason, he will work as hard he can to be successful.

- He's pretty oblivious as well, being so carefree all the time. He doesn't notice the finer details and looks at the big picture instead. Dongseok is curious about many things, yet doesn't really understand it even if someone else explains to him. He's not afraid of saying what he thinks, since he just speaks his mind, which may anger some people. Following the domino effect, his naivety and bluntness goes hand in hand with his foolishness, as well as clumsiness. Dongseok will space out often, when he doesn't pay attention to what is being said or where he's walking. Definitely does not look or act his age, so he tricks many people with his looks and gets questioned or judged a lot by the elderly.


Cheon Dongseok

DATE OF BIRTH 12, January, 1991
AGE 23 
BIRTHPLACE, Pohang, South Korea 
HOMETOWN Seoul, South Korea
HEIGHT 180cm
FACE CLAIM Kim Taehyung
BACK-UP FC Jeon Jungkook

social circle

» Mother, Cheon Jinah | 58 | Patissiere in a self-owned bakery | Carefree, observant, and stubborn. | Gives Dongseok endless support and always reminds him to call or visit her when he has time. She's proud of how talented and eager he is, so she brags a lot about him to her customers.
» Sister, Cheon Seong Im | 33 | Actress Song Jihyo | Not afraid to express her emotions, yet very kind and observant. But like Dongseok, she is also spaces out often.  | The siblings are super close. They always call and text each other, despite being 10 years apart. Dongseok gives endless support and always helps promote her drama or variety show. Jihyo likes mentioning him on talk shows so that he can get some publicity even as a trainee. 


» Best Friend, Kim Joonmyeon | 23 | Idol Suho in EXO | Shy, polite, and considerate. | Close like brothers, their opposing personalities draw each other in. Dongseok and Joonmyeon first met in school. They tell each other everything and always make time for each other. Dongseok manages to become calmer and mature with Joonmyeon's presence around.
» Close Friend, Goo Hara | 23 | Idol in KARA | Outgoing, hard-working, and down to earth. | They met when coincidentally Dongseok and Hara were visiting their same Japanese teacher and she made an appearance. He was ecstatic and introduced himself as a fan. They shared stories about their lessons and grew close as their personalities matched. 



» Skin ship.
» Roller Coasters.
» Mint Chocolate Chip ice-cream.
» Tea, over coffee.
» Learning new things.
» Really spicy food.


» Being scolded for acting childish.
» When he doesn't have money for food.
» Being unable to sleep.
» Coconut.
» When people close to him are unhappy.

» Rubs his eyes for no reason.
» Blows his bangs when thinking.
» Bursting into song when a name or lyric is mentioned.
» Rolling off the bed, if there's nothing or no one to hug, when sleeping.
» Doing aegyo unconsciously.
» Cooking, but he can't bake.
» Sometimes practices playing the guitar.
» Listening and dancing to girl group songs.
» Reading fanfiction.
» Washing dishes in his free time.


Currently has dark brown hair, in a typical Korean boy hairstyle. He has piercings in both his ears, but no tattoos, scars, or birthmarks. 
Dongseok dresses in casual clothing, which consists of baggy sweaters and jeans. Because of his choice of baggy clothing, it makes him look a lot younger than he is. Accessorizes with a snapback or beanie. Occasionally likes dressing a little nerdy, where he wears dress shirts under sweaters, and fake glasses.



» Squishy | His sister and friends find his cheeks to be really soft, so they squish his cheeks when they greet each other.
» Mong Dong | 'Mong' which means blank, and 'Dong' as the first part of his name. Also playfully sounds like 'Myeongdong' which is a neighbourhood in Seoul.



» Korean, fluent | Native tongue.
» English, basic | Was taught in school.
» Japanese, basic | Took lessons when he discovered Juniel debuted.




PERSONA + Blank Vitamin

+ Guitar, knows a couple songs fully, but only if he practices for a while.
+ Minor acting roles, just as cameos.

+ Draws well, but not often.


» Actress Song Jihyo's younger brother.
» Has appeared in Emergency Couple as a cameo.
» Does not look his age and gets questioned.

» Has a flexible face, so he's very expressive.
» His stage name 'Jiseok' is combined of his own name and his sister's stage name.
» A Juniel/KARA/BAP/SHINee fanboy.

» Genius in Sudoku.
» Can't use technology well.
» Drops everything when the new Running Man episode comes out to watch it.



VOCAL + 20

RAP + 3





VOCAL + Leo from VIXX

DANCE + Youngjae from GOT7
RAP + Suho from EXO
ACTING +  Wooyoung from 2PM



PERSONALITY + Youngji is shy at first meeting, but friendly. When you get close, she's really outgoing and innocent. She's always polite and open-minded. Youngji is still new to the idol world so she's still careful about how she interacts with people, but always makes sure that she doesn't get on their bad side, and her innocence shines through the way she speaks. When one makes her laugh, she doesn't hold back and you can tell that it's sincere. She grows close to people really quickly because of her young eagerness.

RELATIONSHIP + (They haven't met yet, but when they do:) Dongseok and Youngji get along right away because of their personalities, and exchange phone numbers. They chat whenever they can, and like for everyone else, Dongseok gives support to Youngji in KARA's promotions and in Roommate. Youngji finds his childish person charming because he's being real and doesn't have to act like someone he isn't. Dongseok is oblivious to her feelings towards him and it takes him a while to realize he likes Youngji back.

HISTORY + They are currently strangers to another who've only been mentioned to each other. Dongseok knows Youngji because of KARA and always asks Hara how it's been with a new member in the group. Youngji hears stories about Hara's meet ups with her friends and hears Dongseok's name more than a few times.

RELATIONSHIP STATUS + Strangers at the beginning of the story. Their story will go by slowly, so hopefully they'll be in that honeymoon stage when they finally get together at the end of the story.

+ kissmeshawol25
+ Lico
+ activeness 9

Heo Youngji

Group KARA
AGE 20


BACK-UP LOVE INT + Choi Junhee (Juniel)

BACK-UP LOVE INT + Lee Chaerin (CL)




LAST COMMENT + Hope you like my character! It's been a long time since I've applied as a male :) Sorry if the love interest part is a bit cliche ^^"


- Jihyo and Dongseok being close, through hidden encouragements or talk shows.
- Collaboration stage with another group, boy or girl.
- When Youngji gets a bit jealous when Dongseok fanboys over Juniel.
- X.enon at Weekly Idol.
- When Suho and Dongseok have a heart-to-heart talk about everything going on.


PASSWORD + "Don't be trapped in someone else's dream."



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