Hi Guys!

Hi guys! I just wanted to tell you all that you are the most beautiful people in the world, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. (I'm cheesy I know)

Anyways, the real reason I am making this blog post is because today I'm actually in a good mood, you know why? Because everything is going smoothly at my shop so far, I'm getting requests from people and I just had my Pepsi so I'm pretty content. :P Actually, to tell you the truth, I had a little bit of a mental break down yesterday. The loss of my best friend is really taking a toll on me. I still don't know why she won't talk to me. I know she's going through a hard time right now and she did have a baby not that long ago, but why is she ignoring me all of a sudden. She still talks to my other best friend and a whole bunch of other people, so why not me? I didn't tell anyone this before but when I had to go and work for the little trade show that our town holds every year, I saw her there, and it seemed like she was doing everything she could to avoid me. I wish I knew what I did so that we could sort this out, but I doubt that the oppertunity will ever come up. I'm not as mad as I was when this first started but now I feel like I'm going through the stages of grief right now. As stupid as it sounds, but I really thought that we would be best friends forever, and for some reason I guess friendship doesn't mean as much to her as it does to me, but I've gotta look on the bright side. My other best friend Emory is moving to my town in March! I'm so excited! I'm also hoping that I'll be able to see her sooner so that I can meet her new baby boy Dorian and give her a Dorian their Christmas presents.


I anyone else as excited as I am for Christmas? Cause I am super excited. I only have three more gifts to get and I'm officially done shopping. On Monday my Dad is going for an ultra sound for his back I think, so I'm hoping everything goes well for him, I hate seeing him in pain. Even though I act like a smart when he's around, I do love him, and worry about him. Anyways, this was longer than I thought it would be. See you guys later! :* <3 I love you all


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MyeolchiHyuk #1
hope everything gonna be okay alriht..
be positive and be strong okies my dear...

everybody cant wait for christmas for sure.. eheh..

send my prayers to your dad, yeah? hope he gets the best results!! dont think about your friend too much, maybe she'll open up to you when shes ready ♡
who can't be excited? Even Scrooge got over his humbugness! I'm very excited
aw it's okay i hope everything get's better for you and your friend. on the other hand i am so excited for christmas yaaay family time!!