Dedicated to My Baby Sister

Dear Stephanie

Dear Stephanie,
We've been through alot of hard times haven't we?
We've also been through some good times,
Times that sometimes I wish would never end.
Dear Stephanie,
You know that I consider you my best friend,
Don't you?
I can talk to you about anything,
we also share the same interests.
Dear Stephanie,
Even though we fight sometimes,
I know that we'll always make up in the end.
Thank you for being there for me,
Through the good and the bad.
Dear Stephanie,
Not only are you my baby sister,
But my very best friend as well.
I love you Stephanie.


Here's a poem I wrote for school, dedicated to my baby sister yoonyulbunny88. I love you Stephanie! 



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You know, I envy you. Your sister is younger than you right? Well, I also have a younger sister but our relationship isn't good, mainly because of me. She really likes me, she's always clinging onto me, but the thing is, I don't like the clingyness. LIke, I want to talk to her, talk about my problems, or just things that happened to me and laugh together and make memories together but I really don't like clingyness, skinship, etc. And my little sister just happens to be the cheesiest, touchiest person in the world and that just kinda annoys me a lot. I have an older sister that I can talk to because although she doesn't understand my weirdness she isn't touchy. But, she goes to a boarding school so I can almost never talk to her. So, I reallly envy you. (My hate for skinship is so bad that I can't even like hug or shake hands properly-that's how much i hate touching other people.)
A www<3. I love it. I agree about siblings. Mine mean the world to me<3.
Aaaw this is so sweet. You guys must be very close