☯ Aᴇʀɪᴀʟ | Yoo Minri | Main Vocalist, Lead Dancer ☯

Yoo minri

username — kissmeshawol25

nickname — Lico

activity rate — 9/10


name — Yoo Minri

nickname — Honey, Mimi

birthdate — November 8, 1994

birthplace — Uijeong-bu, South Korea

hometown — Seoul, South Korea

ethnicity — Asian

language — 

─ Korean, fluent, native tongue.
─ Japanese, semi-fluent, watched lots of anime, and learned more through lessons.
─ English, basic, learned in school.


insert witty title here

face claim —Byeon Seo Eun


backup face claim — Jang Hae Byeol



appearance — Has a star pattern tattoo behind her right ear. Often wears coloured circle lenses, but her natural is a light brown, and wears glasses.

fashion style — Casual and comfortable. Different variety of colours, depending on the weather. Doesn't own any skin-tight articles other than leggings and skinny jeans, she hates the feeling of her top being constricted by clothing. Baggy sweaters , usually in neutral colours, and shorts or skirts and leggings for the colder weathers. Knit cardigans and shorts, and flowy skirts or dresses, in light pastel colours, for warmer weathers. Shorts and loose sweaters for dance practices.

Born for this

plotline — ☯ Main vocalist|lead dancer

traits — 

─ Positive: Cheerful, outspoken, and respectful.

─ Negative: Stubborn, naive, impatient, and clumsy.


personality — 

Minri is a very energetic and outgoing girl. People compare her to a little ball of sunshine and happiness because of her never-ending energy, smiles, and laughs. She doesn't take any insults to heart because she believes that the other person was probably having a bad day and Minri was the unfortunate soul to cross them, but there's only so much negative feedback she can handle. She doesn't like seeing her friends or anyone she's close to be sad, so she tries to cheer them up, or comfort them and lends a listening ear. She rarely becomes sad herself, but when she does, she talks it out with her brother or close friends. When Minri meets someone new, her observance and gut feeling usually tells her what kind of person they are, and she controls her cheerfulness to match their level so they don't get annoyed or uncomfortable with her. When they become close and Minri is sure that they know she's naturally happy, and not on purpose to be annoying or weird, then she opens up a bit more to them.

Minri is also very stubborn, it's a good thing when there's something she wants to do, but sometimes it's too much. She's very hard-working towards her goals and dreams, and when people question her why, she'll ask "Why not?". She doesn't give up easily without a fight, and sometimes needs a third party to tell her she may be taking it too seriously. Sometimes Minri is so energetic that she becomes oblivious to many things, and will probably say something wrong when trying to comfort someone. Because she's so hyper and energetic all the time, it also means that Minri's more impatient than patient, especially when waiting for special news. She'll constantly talk to herself about if she'll hear them that day, or bounce around on her heels. Unless it's something she's working hard for and knows it'll take time, she will be very impatient and a little bratty. Minri is also really clumsy, but she laughs it off. People will be okay with it the first couple of times, but then they start thinking she's doing it on purpose when, really, she can't control it. She's trying hard to be less oblivious, but old habits die hard.


background —

She grew up well with support from her parents, especially her brother. Their family is pretty wealthy and wouldn't trade it for anything more. The father soon had to leave for work and would seldom come back to visit. When the father moved, the mother also decided to move to Seoul so that she could find better work, and so the two siblings would grow better in a bigger city. Minri always had her cheerful personality, but never spent much time with anyone else since she was content with just her brother's company. Minri and Youngjae were really close siblings and did everything together. The only difference was when Youngjae was obsessed with gaming, Minri was obsessed with anime. Youngjae always pampered her and called her "Princess" because he liked it when his sister was smiling and happy, and he tried to always keep it that way.


They both then fell in love with music and singing at the same time, so they decided to audition together. Youngjae made it first, and Minri joined the same company a year later. When he had to first leave for training, she realized that she didn't have many other friends to talk to, and tried to open up to more people, which caused her super happy personality. Minri auditioned at the age of 17 at TS Entertainment, when Youngjae moved there after JYP, and was accepted after working hard and practicing her audition piece thoroughly. Her mother was against it at first since it meant that both her children were leaving the house to become musicians, but after seeing Youngjae become successful, she believed that Minri would be able to succeed as well, especially knowing her determined attitude.


During her time training in TS Entertainment, Minri realized her style of music was different from Youngjae's and wanted to go to a more challenging company. She worked hard and trained herself overtime, and worked up the courage to audition for YG Entertainment. Her trainee life at TS was a lot more relaxed and self-paced, where YG was scheduled and strict. Minri enjoyed the thrill of constant training, because she's also proving to herself that she can make it on her own.

─ The colour teal, she loves the mix of blue and green.
─ Cute things. Varying from animals, clothes or accessories, and people.
─ Rose tea, it's her favourite flavor other than earl grey, and prefers tea over coffee.
─ Kimchi. Minri loves the sour and spiciness that tastes amazing together.
─ Karaoke. She likes other idols songs and acting silly during 'performances'.

dislikes — 

─ When people look down on her. Minri hates the feeling of judgement.

─ Slow wifi connection. She'd rather have none than it being slow.

─ Being ignored for no apparent reason. Can understand if there was a reason.

─ Winter. She thinks it's pretty and can wear her cute jackets, but sometimes it gets too cold and frustrating to travel in.

─ Strong cologne or perfume. Minri is allergic to them.

hobbies — 
─ Baking.

─ Origami.

─ Photography.

─ Sleeping habits include rolling off the bed, and muttering.
─ Spacing out and accidentally walking into walls or the wrong room.
─ Tilts to the right when sleeping while sitting up.

trivias —
─ Younger sister of B.A.P's Youngjae.

Started wearing makeup when she became a trainee at YG. 

─ A big fan of BTS and KARA. Often sings their songs at karaoke.

─ If she wasn't working towards being a singer, she would be a baker.

─ She can bake, but can't really cook. She thinks both have different techniques.

─ Doesn't gain weight easily.

─ When she finds something extremely funny, she can't stop laughing until a couple minutes later, but will burst out laughing again when she looks at the persons face.

─ Her star tattoo is because she likes looking at the stars at night.

─ Favourite animal is the tiger, yet owns a giraffe onesie.

─ Loves watching Running Man, looks up to Song Ji Hyo.

─ Plays tennis pretty well, but bad at every other sport.

─ Can handle really spicy food, often adds more spice to her food.

─ Cosplayed once as Hatsune Miku.

─ Cherishes her diary where she writes memories and little memos every day.

─ Favourite fruit is peach.
─ Has super strength.


Position — Main Vocalist, Lead Dancer

Stage name — Mai

Persona — Happy Vitamin

How you got into YG — Auditioned with Youngjae for TS Entertainment, and stayed for about a year while he debuted. Minri discovered her own style a bit later on, and after appearing in B.A.P's music video, she decided to move to YG Entertainment and start her new training. YGE's training style was more strict than TSE's, so Minri had a hard time adjusting, but she enjoyed the experience. Despite the strict training, she did feel herself improve a lot more. She made friends with a couple of trainees, but some of the others didn't think she matched YG's style, and gave her a rough time. Minri didn't really care, she just took it as a challenge to prove to them that she has her own colour and will make it.

Rapping twin — 4MINUTE's Sohyun

Singing twin — AOA's Yuna

Dancing twin — 4MINUTE's Sohyun

Variety twin — KARA's Youngji




We are family

family — 

— Yoo Youngjae | Brother | Idol in B.A.P | Bipolar, but most of the time very nice to Minri. Loves teasing her, and also making sure she's doing well. | Typical play-fights between siblings when they fight over something they want or embarrassing each other. They call and text each other often since they aren't able to meet in person too much, but want to stay in contact.

— Lee Jina | Mother | Apparel store worker | Straight-forward and blunt, but supportive and caring. She speaks whatever is on her mind, even if it will sound harsh. | Minri will call her mother when she can, just to let her know she's doing okay and tells her simple things to make sure her mother won't worry too much.

nobody compares

friends — 

— Nam Taehyun | Best Friend | Idol in WINNER | Sarcastic, sassy, and chic. Gets mistaken for arrogant and cold. | The best of friends who tell each other everything and gives endless support to each other. They are really close and people have mistaken them for a couple, but they feel nothing else but friendship.

— Cha Hakyeon | Close Friend | Idol in VIXX | Cheerful, outgoing, and motherly. Lots of people get annoyed with his skinship as well. | Haven't met in person yet, but have chatted endlessly since they met, and N considers her like his daughter-in-law along with the 'sons' in his group. He nags Minri like a mother would and gossips like a best girl friend would.

still into you

love interest — Jung Taekwoon (Leo) from VIXX

backup love interest — Min Yoongi (Suga) from BTS


personality — Shy, yet caring. Leo doesn't talk much, and really doesn't like when the attention is on him, so he mostly looks away from the camera, appearing to be rude rather than shy. He has a natural poker face, so no one ever knows what he's thinking. Despite his cold attitude and poker face, he's very sweet and caring. He doesn't show off his affections as much as his other group members, but cares for them with little gestures. Though he doesn't talk much, his reactions are more than enough for people to know that he's listening intently and is embarrassed or amused by them.

relationship — They've been introduced to each other through the phone through Youngjae, but have yet to actually meet in person. They talk often which allows a couple of the VIXX members to tease Leo often. Leo enjoys talking to her though, so he ignores those two.

baby goodnight

comments/suggestions — I'm looking forward to your co-ed group! Hope you like Minri :)

scene requests

─ Leo and Minri are able to finally meet, and Leo falls in love at first sight, not because of her looks, but because he feels something.

─ VIXX went to drink after they won a music show and Leo drunk texts Minri and becomes really embarrassed about it the next day so he doesn't talk to her for a while.

─ Sibling bonding moment with Youngjae in a behind the scenes interview.

─ Aerial collaboration with another boy group or Minri collaboration with a male idol.

─ Aerial goes onto Weekly Idol and Minri gets asked to carry the hosts, she's wearing heels so she fails the first time. She takes them off and succeeds.

password ─ 

turn in — back to the story


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