TS Entertainment releases official statement regarding B.A.P's lawsuit


Just after the NEWSarrow-10x10.png of B.A.P filing a lawsuit to nullify their CONTRACTarrow-10x10.pngTS Entertainment has released their official RESPONSEarrow-10x10.png to this shocking news.



SEE ALSO: B.A.P reported to have filed to nullify their contract with TS Entertainment




The agency wrote,


"Hello, this is TS Entertainment.

We are here to deliver our official position regarding B.A.P's contract nullification lawsuitthat has been REPORTEDarrow-10x10.png this afternoon.

All this while, TS Entertainment has tried our best to SUPPORTarrow-10x10.png the various activities of our artist B.A.P and strived to meet our mutual goals. And like we revealed back on October 28, all their schedules had been cancelled to give them rest as we had made the protection of our artist our priority out of mutual consideration and trust.

And while in the midst of in talks about their future activities, we learned of the sudden lawsuit through news articles.

Currently TS Entertainment is in the process of trying to figure out the details and the truth of the matter. However, we wanted to make clear that there is no such thing as a 'slave CONTRACT'arrow-10x10.png or 'unfair contract conditions' in our CONTRACTSarrow-10x10.png, and we have never given them unfair, one-sided TREATMENTarrow-10x10.png.

We will take steps to confirm the matter regarding this lawsuit, and RESPONDarrow-10x10.png in an official manner.

We once again convey our sorry hearts for causing CONCERNarrow-10x10.png to all who love TS Entertainment and its artists.


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sakura94exo #1
Well at least they seem better than SM. But what are BAP gonma do o.o
This has been such a horrible year for k-pop
supernatural05 #2