id like to see this happen...

as shinee becomes more and more popular amongst young teens and young adults and as this site is gaining more and more attention and users, the tag for shinee fics is increasing rapidly at a pace where no one can comprehend and/nor keep up with.

i would like to see another group catch up to them.

don't get me wrong please.

i may have stopped having a bias in that group, it doesn't mean that I don't like them as a group. Their still a great group with everything an idol can have.

but you know, sometimes its a good thing to move on and get to know other groups that you (and i) have been neglecting.

maybe its just me.

i used to see the rising number of tags of "shinee" as a good thing and a thing worth celebrating but now, all i see is that the number is rising and their getting further and further away from all of you.

im not saying that they were close to begin with.

but im sure i had said in another blog...i wish shinee could stay the way they were when they were promoting reply and amigo...they were just so...simple back then.

nowadays, everything about them is...getting too complicated and too hard.

ive had enough crap from school and I dont need them to add on top of that~

not that other groups aren't getting as complicated but Ive watched them change from hello baby (Y.O.U) to lucifer, and to hello and the next one should be towards a japanese album.
im kinda of getting scared...

the higher they climb, the more easier it is to fall.


ive turned this blog post into something too serious!!! ><

anyways, this blog post is just to give some of you something to think about ^^

now that i think about it...ive made way too much shinee obsessed friends and i should venture out of that like right NOW.

i dont want to always be talking about kpop...what happened to tpop? jpop? i feel like as if those two pop genre's have disappeared during the time kpop is taking over...its scary and i dont want to think about it.

now, i just prefer hearing songs i doesnt mean tht im about to give up on kpop...ill still be following my favourite idols...ill still be watching their variety but now, ive just come clean to myself (and you) that kpop isnt the world and not the only music genre that exists and it isnt the only music genre that has great music.

they have great music because they overwork and get underpayed.

they dont have to.

i guess thats exactly why hangeng left suju...


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siwon- #1
that's true.<br />
i wasn't around for their old days, but i do want to experience seeing a simpler SHINee with no scandals like jonghyun dating shin se kyung.<br />
everything looked so simple for them in the old days.<br />
they weren't changing their looks at all.<br />
it was just simple concepts, with cute songs.<br />
i just want to be able to see the old SHINee in their old days.<br />
that' all i ask.
well, i've always been the odd one out of my friends. They're all kpop obsessed, and im a tpop fan...everyone is into kpop alot nowdays, and i can start to see people copying kpop mvs and stuff. I think that in order for you to be famous, you must have unique style...well, that's my opinion anyways. And yeah, shinee have alot of ffs right now...not like its a bad thing, but...
Haha I totally agree with you!!:) dude shinee is getting wahh to popular right now... Not only shine but sm entertainment in general... And I feel that someone has to directly compete with them in order to have a balanced kpop industry... I mean seriously... Everyone gives a crap about shinee when there are a lot of other bands out there that are equally as good!! I mean I'm not bashing or anything but I feel shinee should at least give these other bands a chance to shine and that shinee needs to share the spot light too...