how are you ?


It's been a long time hasn't it since I've posted a blog and since I've been active on AsianFanfics.

I miss this place.


So I think that I'm going to spend a day or two on this site during the weekend (if my mum doesn't check up on me every 5 minutes! >_< ) and reply to all my wallposts which aren't a lot so I should be able to do those. I'm going to drop by random people's walls so some of you shall expect to hear from me within the next hour or so! I've also been working on a one-shot since I haven't bee very attentive to my other stories. It's sad I know and I miss writing so much on this site as much as I miss you all, talking and discussing the newest music and spazzing ;)

So I'm back, not frequently. It's just because I don't have homework this weekend! And I need a lot of rest ~

Anyways, this has been your loyal friend, SDA~~~


ps. i noticed the whole subscribe button? Huh. I've kind of given up on this site now...maybe one day I'll come back and I won't know how to use this site anymore ;) When that time comes and I realise that it might be sooner than later, I'll most likely deactivate this account but before that of course, I'll save all the stories on my usb and post it on my blog.

If you don't already know what my blog is, it's =) it's a picture of ZE:A's Kwanghee! Which reminds me, I need to change that!!! Anyways, talk to you guys laterr!


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Of course you come back when my internet is practically dead... T^T
-xminhye #2
WELCOME BACK UNNIE <3 Miss'ya alot !!
:) welcome back

awwwwww don't leaveeee :(
but welcome back (-ish) xD and yeah... homework consumes lives >.<