「 mix & match 」: cheong chun ji

full name. cheong chun ji 청춘지
other names. alan cheong
◆ cheongchun - it basically means youth and it's mostly chanwoo who calls him this
◆ cheonji - it started out from his younger brother who couldn't pronounce chunji
birthdate. december 6, 1997
birthplace. mandalay, myanmar
ethnicity. korean-burmese
hometown. mandalay, myanmar | singapore
◆ fluent english : he lived and studied  in singapore for 11 years
◆ Conversational burmese : he communicates with his mother mainly in burmese
◆ Conversational korean : he communicates with his father mainly in korean and he lives in korea now
◆ Basic japanese : he used to watch animes... lots of animes
height. 172cm
weight. 55kg
faceclaim. lee hyun woo
back-up faceclaim. im si wan
appearance. Alan used to have one piercing on both his ears but his left piercing closed up so he now only has a piercing on his right ear. He usually wear ear studs on his right ear and an ear cuff that doesn't require a piercing on his left ear. Alan also has a white heart shape birthmark on his collarbone which he covers up with makeup.
positive traits. optimistic, considerate, affectionate, loyal
negative traits. Talkative, selfless, protective, impressionable
"Optimistic and talkative" : alan is quite a positive thinker. He believes that thinking on the bright side will lead to having good outcomes. For example if you leave him on a deserted island, he would probanly just set up a fire with a big SOS around it before enjoying the freedom in his birthday suits. He's also quite a talkative person. Try initiating a conversation about something he likes, maybe cats, and he'll just continue blabbering on and on even when you go quiet. Sometimes by talking about cats to him, you can even find out about his opinions on all the other animals as well!
"Considerate and selfless" : alan is quite the considerate friend. With his broad mind, he seeks to understand your actions and always choose to believe the most positive thought. For example if you bOrrowed money from him and doesn't return for a long time, he'll just remind you again, thinking that you forgot. But if you still don't return his money, he's just gonna ask you if your financial situation is okay. Alan also believes that sacrificing hmself for the greater good is acceptable. You can tell him that if he lives, it will lead to the destruction of the earth and he'll probably kill himself on the spot. He's sometimes too selfless for his own good.
"Affectionate but protective" : although alan is the first born child, he's quite affectionate. His favourite form of skinship is hugging and you can't live a day without him hugging you once you start to make contact with him. He also tend to use affectionate nicknames for everyone he knows. For example, his younger brother is churon and chanwoo is jungcha. Apart from being affectionate to his friends, alan is also quite protective. If he feels that his friends are being hurt in any way by anyone, he would apporoach the other party and give them a warning first.If he thinks his friends are really in great pain, he wouldn't hesitate to return that same amount of pain to the other party.
"Loyal but impressionable" : as you can infer, alan is also loyal to his friends. he usually keeps only a few friends but he's really faithful towards them. for example, if his friends were to get shunned by the rest of the class, he would still stay stuck by that person's side regardless of the criticisms he would recieve as well. That being said, alan is not difficult to impress. first impression is also important but it can be changed easily. for example if your first meeting with him was while you were stealing something but the next time you meet, you're performing on stage, he would only pass the stealing incident as a prank.
"Back in the past" : Alan's background can be seen as quite a unique one. His parents met in myanmar, his father as a tourist and his mother as a local who recently returned from overseas. As cliché as it sounded, they were pushed into sharing a honeymoon suite when they both arrived late at night, having forgotten to reserve a room ( his mother had relatives in myanmar but they were in another city ). However, they thought 'better to have a room with a stranger than no room at all' so in the end, they took the room together. Things happened.... When his mother returned to her hometown, she learnt that she was pregnant with Alan. She contacted his father immediately ( they exchanged business cards ) and they met up st the same hotel to discuss alan's future. Since it was her first child, his mother wanted to raise him, even if she had to raise him single handedly. Acknowledging that the child was his, his father suggested marriage. They would provide for the child together but in no other way were they related. After their marriage, they bought a house near his mother's relatives and lived there for 6 years. After that, they moved to Singapore for alan's education. As they continue to care for alan together, they grew fonder of each other and alan had a younger brother when he was 8. He loved his brother and doted on him a lot.
"First contact" : However, just like every child, there was a rebellious period. Alan started coming home late, making up lies about after school activities when in fact he was out with his friends. He got irritated whenever his parents tried to tell him to do something and he ended up staying over at a friend's place without informing his parents. The friend had an elder sister, Xinyi,  and she was a big fan of kpop. During his stay, he was exposed to many kpop related stuff and was convinced that kpop was cool. He started coming home much earlier,  busying himself with online auditions and covers. He failed 5 times for 5 different companies and was about to give up when xinyi invited him to a yg family concert. She had won tickets from an online event and her brother was 'busy gaming' so alan was the next on her list to be invited.
"Second impact" : So he went with her only to be awed and much more motivated than before. It was the first kpop concert he had seen and he was also able to experience many different artists and colours. Before, he hadn't thought of auditioning into yg before because he thought the standard would be too high for him but after planning with xinyi, they decided to make a short choreography sing a short duet and send it to yg. Miraculously, both of them passed the post audition and was called to korea for a live one. Xinyi was unable to go because of financial problems but luckily for alan, his family had a planned vacation to korea at the end of the year. So he went for the live audition, performing only the dance since the song was supposed to be a duet and he didn't disappoint. His parents chided him a lot, saying how Difficult it was to suddenly transfer him to a school in korea. As of now, alan's family are still staying in singapore but they get in contact quite often.
"Another beginning" : Alan's experience as a trainee was most difficult when he first started out in the COMPANY. He had to run to and from school to settle various documents and also took a while to get used to being in a new school. He basically took a 2 month hiatus as soon as he became a trainee. Because of this, he had to train even harder to be on the same level as his fellow trainees. However, there was always time to get bullied. In the company, he overheard conversations about his hiatus and where he came from. 'He must think he can slack off since he came from a foreign country. Tsk trust him to be gone for 2 months before coming back. he shouldn't have come back.' At school, people get jealous of the fact that he's a trainee and pranked him several times. After going through all that, alan noticed someone was at his school as well as the company. It started with shy smiles initiated by alan before the other came up to start a conversation. 'Hi there, my name's chanwoo. Jung chanwoo.'
family members.
Father / cheong jin uk / 47 as of 2016 / selfless, flexible, understanding, romantist
Mother / Su myat aung / 48 as of 2016 / considerate, optimistic, open-minded, independent
Brother / cheong 'Aron' chun ki / 12 as of 2016 / loyal, observant, diligent, independent
idol friends.
Classmates & close friends / jung chan woo / Vocalist in ikon / open-minded, flexible, hard working, ambitious 
◆ cats - he even likes their 'arrogant' trait
◆ summer rain - it has this distinct smell and it's cooling
◆ skinship - it reassures him a lot
◆ green tea - he doesn't like the colour but he likes the taste
◆ sweets - sometimes, i wonder how he doesn't get fat after eating so much
◆ adventure novels - he likes to feel like he's on an adventure thathe can't take normally
◆ sour food - he says it has the taste of reality
◆ Old books - he doesn't sniff glue, he sniff books
◆ snow - they just look so pure and fluffy
◆ summer - he feels that it's an unproductive season because he gets tired even before he starts dancing
◆ dogs - he feels that they're a bit too dumb for his liking
◆ spicy food - he doesn't like the feeling of his tongue burning
◆ stingers - it gives him goosebumps
◆ Bitter food - he says life shouldn't be so bitter
◆ he can't sleep alone because he is too accustomed to sleeping with either his parents or his brother
◆ the light also has to be on for him to fall asleep because he is scared of the dark
◆ plays with his hair when he feels bored, it started out when he was trying to act cool in front of a girl he liked
◆ he claims he can see ghosts and scares the other trainees everytime
◆ he's a good actor, and a good liar ( he always gets in trouble with baejoon whenever the other finds out that he lied )
◆ he used to do taekwondo
◆ he reads lots of manga and watched lots of anime. He learnt japanese from them
◆ he has a brother complex
◆ he prefers sciece over maths although he score better for maths
◆ he's a hopeless cook
◆ he has a diary that he regularly writes in and brings it around with him everywhere but never lets anyone see
◆ he doesn't eat beef because of his religion
◆ he rarely gets sick but when he is, it must be serious
◆ he hugs his roommate to sleep
◆ his nicknames for the other members : junzo = kejun, minjae = ryumin, saeryun = leeryun, Jongkyu = wonkyu, yunwoo= kimyun, baejoon = limbae, yoonho = onho, sanghyuk = junsang, seungcheol = kangcheol, kyunghyun = sonhyun, taeoh = yuoh
stage name. alan 알란
stage persona. the affectionate oddball
◆ singing~ he thinks he's a better singer than dancer which isn't true but he can reach high notes
◆ dancing~ he's good at freestyling
◆ acting~ you wouldn't know unless you've been with him for a very very long time and you are very very observant
◆ song writing~ he normally starts with english translation before turning it korean and so the lyrics he makes are quite deep
◆ rapping~ he tries and tries but fails everytime
◆ instruments~ he tried the piano, guitar, drums but he just gets fed up with it and forgets everything
◆ song composing~ all the tunes he have heard before comes into mind, mixed in all the right places to make a whole new song, but right after he sings it out, he forgets what he just sang.
singing twin. xiumin of exo ( jimin of bts )
dancing twin. nyantaro ( zelo of bap )
rapping twin. ( heechul of super junior )
talking twin. Luhan of exo ( lay of exo ) 
the interview
if you became a member of 41N, how would you react?
It goes without saying that I would be happy, joyful, elated. But the next reaction would probably be to worry about my friends and realise how well I would have to perform in stead of them. However, even if I DIDN'T become a member, I think the experience I would take away from this is already a huge plus.
why did you want to join yg entertainment?
After seeing the yg family concert, I hadn't been able to get my mind off it and it WOULDN't hurt to try so I tried out the audition. I guess I wanted to be part of the yg legacy.
what do you expect 'mix and match' to be? would it be tough or easy? 
It would definitely be tough,  maybe even tougher than most of us expect. I saw ikon in this and it was no joke. Chanwoo told me a lot about how intense the last season was. He complained to me a lot too. I guess there will be lots of competition going on.
are you confident of becoming a member of 41N? why?
More or less, yes. Since I'm in direct contact with chanwoo who survived the last season and got to debut in ikon. Not only that, I think I have a unique colour that can make the team shine brighter. Or maybe not.... haha, to me, becoming a member of 41n would be good and something I really want but even if I DONT get in, THERE'S a lot to take away from this PROGRAMME
if you are a member of 41N, what would your position in the group be?
Main Dancer, sub vocalist? Or maybe lead vocalist? Haha, I'm not sure what kind of vocalist but I guess dance is my forte... but I wonder why... the instructors always praise my dancing more than my singing but I never know why. Don't I sing just as well?
love interest. another applicant
backup love interest. amber + f(x)
personality traits. strong willed, overprotective, passionate, realistic
first meeting
It was after alan's school matters had been settled and he was starting his proper life as a trainee. There wasn't many who liked him, they all thought he was arrogant and stuck up. Figuring that he can't live in a den of 'enemies', he started observing other trainees and one particular trainee caught his eyes. This trainee was  so focused on improving and DIDN'T seem to care about what others said and did. He looked more or less like a loner. So alan approached him and extended his hand out to him, aiming only for friendship at first but feeling something more than that when the other took his hand.
They may look like master and servant to strangers. Alan is always catering to the need of the other and the other seem to be ordering alan around all the time as well. With such a relationship, you may think that alan is not getting back the attention he gives the other but neither of them thinks that way. Alan takes care of him because he wanted to and let him order him around because he wanted to. If alan didn't like it, he would have retaliated long time ago. However, others tend to get in between them and pick a fight with him, telling him to treat alan better. But all that is forgotten whenever their eyes meet and TIME seems to stop which later leads them to an empty room.
relationship status. friends with benefits
eventual ending. Lovers? Or worse than strangers

Yamitan7 & miya.
comments. I didn't watch mix and match so my interpretation of chanwoo may be wrong but I hope it's not too far lol. I tried making alan unique but maybe I did too much, do tell me if there's anything you think needs to be changed about alan. I hope you enjoyed reading about him though :) 
scene suggestions.
◆ Hidden camera on the maknae or maybe one on the most densest member lol
◆ an outing to the countryside or somewhere peaceful
◆ alan's roommate secretly reading his diary and alan getting mad about it after he found out
◆ alan and chanwoo doing homework together lol
◆ alan's video call with aron
password. Chanwooooooooooooo
© troelson 2014


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