TAPE 207
No Ji Ha
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NAME No Ji Ha.
OTHER NAMES Bee: His nickname in Resistance as he flies around the arena swiftly and stings painfully like a bee. It was first created to mock his closeness with the Flowers but has received a deeper meaning after his first fight.
AGE 19.
DOB December 21.
APPEARANCE Jiha is tall, contrary to his name which could be directly translated to ‘basement’. However, with a high metabolism, he stays slim and is not as muscular as the other resistance boys. This is disadvantageous for him in fights as he has minimal defence against punches and kicks. Thus, he usually sports a few broken ribs after fights. If he’s unfortunate, he will also have one of his limbs in a cast. During such times, he wanders around with bandages wrapped on his upper body instead of a shirt. When he’s in better conditions, he usually roams the base in pyjamas. As for when he needs to leave the base, he puts on a t-shirt, cargo pants, filled with knives, and a backpack.
MEASUREMENTS 178cm, 61kg.
CHARACTER SUMMARY Jiha is one of the most cheerful among the boys. With a bright smile adorned most of the time, many don't realize that he's a part of Resistance until they see him in the arena. As he had a better childhood than most other boys, he doesn’t show as much resentment and hatred towards the world. However, he is just as lost and desperate as the other boys.

The dream that shook up my world last night
Was it a nightmare, am I still in that dream?
Following the light that pulled me, I’m in a maze
There, I discovered another passage
- NCT 127, Limitless.

Yeah I am alive
Look carefully
No matter how many times, I will wake up again
Yeah I am alive
Watch me carefully
Close both of your eyes and feel me
- VIXX, Alive.

Only one shot only one shot
You only have one chance u know?
- B.A.P, One Shot

PERSONALITY here. give me a little bit more meat than just traits, archetypes, etc please. +Affectionate, +Righteous, -Talkative, -Gullible, =Tenacious.

”Oh, sorry. I got carried away... haha.”
The first impression of Jiha is usually that he’s a touchy chatterbox. He is quick to establish contact and seems to not know what ‘personal space’ means. This is because skinship gives him comfort and he sees it as approval when the other person does not push him away. He also tends to ramble, especially if the person he’s talking to is a quiet or shy person. However, this is only because he is equally awkward and doesn’t know what to do other than talk.

“What do you think you’re doing? Oh... okay...”
Jiha thinks highly of justice and fairness as he knows he have the ability to instill this and has encountered many such incidents in the orphanage. He is the type that will follow rules even when alone and try to coax others to follow them too. That being said, his naive mind can easily be manipulated. With new encounters, he is gullible and susceptible to twisted information. Perhaps he could be described as a foolish but upright person.

One thing to love and hate about Jiha is his persistence. This is good as he shows determination in what he does and never gives up until it is done. But this is bad as he doesn’t know when to stop either. For Jiha, taking a rest is almost equal to giving up and so it is hard for others to convince him to take some much needed rest.

BACKGROUND Unlike most of the boys, Jiha was raised in a supportive and loving environment. As the only child of an elderly couple, he was given all he needed, wanted and more. His childhood was nothing short of perfect. However, that changed as his parents passed on when he was 11. Without any relatives to take him in, he was sent to an orphanage. There, he encountered the ‘bad’ side of life which included bullying and stealing. Fortunately, the Taekwondo, karate and jujitsu classes he took when he was younger helped him protect himself. This earned him an infamous reputation in the orphanage. As one of the older orphans, he was never adopted. Instead, he was eventually kicked out at the age of 15 after an especially intense fight which sent 3 of the other orphans to the hospital. Fortunately, a member of Sears chanced upon him on the brink of death and brought him back to the base. There, he was nursed back to health by some of the Sears and Flowers until he was healthy enough for an initiation.
- Likes to be around plants as his parents had a garden which he would always hide in whenever he’s upset.
- Is least friendly with Godlings as he sees them as figures of authority and feels that he’s not worth their time.
- Mixes around well with the boys of other gangs.
- Hates fights outside of the arena.
- Is growing Marigolds and Pansies on the rooftop garden.

Kim Kibum [Sears].
He was one of the boys who took care of Jiha when he first arrived at the boys’ base camp. As one of the friendlier members of Sears, Kibum continued to spend time with Jiha even after he regained his health. Although he only approaches Jiha first if he needs him for something. But at least he stays and listens when Jiha starts talking to him. Sometimes, he helps him film his fights too.

Lee Jimin [Flowers].
He is another of the boys who took care of Jiha when he first arrived. Having decided to care for him due to his appealing visuals, Jimin makes it clear with multiple attempts to bed Jiha. However, he has been unsuccessful. Perhaps he has ulterior motive for allowing Jiha to grow his own plants on the rooftop garden as well. He also prevents other members of Flowers from harassing Jiha as he holds a rather high position in the hierarchy of the Flowers.

REPUTATION Jiha is the ‘bee’. A stinger in the arena and a buzzer outside. Due to his love of plants, Jiha spents a lot of time among the Flowers. This has sparked rumours of him being a player but no one has seen him in the act before. He is also close to Sears as he enjoys following them into the city as a bodyguard. However, the boys of Sears seem to only associate with him when they need him to do something for them. Basically, he’s one of the thinner boys of resistance who spends his free time at the rooftop garden with some of the Flowers but is always ready to work for some of the Sears.
LIFE IN RESISTANCE In resistance, he holds position as one of the spines through choice by the leader. However, all he does is test the new boys and teach a few arrogant ones a lesson. He may be a spine but he’s only a rank above the body so his rank is rather unstable. Thus, he defends it by fighting with grit, never stopping until he wins. He isn't exactly the typical fighter who lands damaging punches but rather the type that attacks quickly and dodges. As one of the lighter members of Resistance, his dodges determine whether he wins or dies. There is no middle ground, not when he's up against boys who are much stronger than him. If there is a fight he loses, it will probably be the fight where he dies.
transcription of tape 207.
The video starts with a black screen.

Voice 1, Jiha: Oh? It’s recording! But I don’t see anything...
Voice 2: You haven’t uncovered the lens, stupid.
Jiha: Oh!

It brightens and focuses on an arena. Two boys are locked in combat.

Voice 3: Jiha! It’s your turn soon.
Jiha: Okay! Help me record.

Jiha walks across the camera and disappears. After one of the boys is carried off limply, Jiha appears in the arena.

Voice 3: Hey, why’s that bar red?
Voice 2: . It’s running out of-

The video ends abruptly. It barely captured Jiha landing a skilled high kick after dodging and running around to tire his opponent.
Miya / yamitan7 / 90%


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