「 mix & match 」: yu tae oh

full name. Yu Tae Oh 유태오
other names. eliotte leo leroy
nicknames. theo - leo plus tae oh. It's a name he created himself and his cousin and friends all call him this
birthdate. September 9 1998
birthplace. paris, france
ethnicity. korean-french
hometown. seoul, south korea
◆ Native korean - he lived in korea his whole life
◆ basic english - he picked up english from the internet so as to make some online friends
◆ basic japanese - he kept himself busy with animes and naturally picked up the language although he can only speak in japanese
height. 181cm
weight. 60kg
faceclaim. choi minki
back-up faceclaim. huang zitao
appearance. with natural blonde hair that he thinks is a waste to dye and slightly light coloured eyes, theo is quite the pretty boy. He is also an accessory fanatic, bracelets, rings and necklaces are a must! Not to mention the fact that he likes to wear ear cuffs although he doesn't have any piercing. Theo also doesn't have any notable birthmarks or tattoos.
positive traits. determined, loyal, pure, honest
negative traits. inflexible, proud, childish, blunt
"Determined and inflexible" : theo is a child with only one dream. He put everything he has on the line to make his dream a reality and is very resilient on his journey towards that dream. He won't ever back out of something halfway. It's either he don't even start it or he sticks around to the very end. That being said, he has quite an inflexible mindset. If he thinks singing is the career for him, he won't look at any other options at all. Same for people, if he thinks you're bad, you'll be forever bad in his eyes unless you work really hard to show him your good points.
"Loyal but proud" : theo is also quite the proud child. He would never make the first move to get closer to someone, no matter how much he wants to be close to that person. He would wait and wait until the other party makes the first move. However, once you start talking and getting close to him, you'll find that he turns into a totally loyal puppy, following you around and never thinking of betraying you even once. Sometimes, this trust he gives to his companion is betrayed but he still stays blind to the bad points of his friends.
"Pure but Childish" : having absolutely no experience in dating and seeming to have zero interest in stuff like , theo can be described as pure. You can try a pick-up line on him and he wouldn't even know. He would probably just reply you with a straight answer. For example if you say "can I have directions?" He wouldn't ask where to, he would just ask if it's to a famous place nearby and without even waiting for your reply, he would tell you the directions in detail. Oh! Before we forget, just now we talked about his pride, right? Well, you should avoid telling him to not do something because he'll just continue it just because of his pride. He's quite a childish person. Not to mention he gets easily jealous too!
"Honest but blunt" : theo is truthful, everyone knows that. They can rest assured that all of his comments are honest feedback. However, sometimes he's just too honest. For example if a girl ask him if he have any feelings for her and if he doesn't, he'll just bluntly say it. You can also count on him to criticise your performance objectively without being influenced by personal feelings towards you although he does have some styles he prefer.
"Childhood" : Theo had a surprisingly stress-free childhood for one without a mother to call his own. His mother, a french lady, left him as soon as he was weaned. He was left on the doorsteps of the Yu household. Being the only bachelor in the household, jungho had to take responsibility for him and it was confirmed that they were father and son through a dna test. At first, jungho struggled with the child, seeking help from his sister in law often. Later the youngest daughter of the household got married and had a child as well. The child's father died in a car accident soon after. Both raising a young child alone, the siblings decided to care for the children together. jungho would go out to earn money while junghye looked after the children at home. The children used to call them mum and dad but now that they're old enough, they don't anymore. junghye was actually a big fan of kpop and kdramas and occasionally sang them some kpop songs or showed them some pictures of her idols.
"The Realisation" : When jungho was away on a business trip, junghye bought theo and her son, jino, to an audition at fantagio entertainment.  During the 7 days that jungho was gone, the cousins became child actors under fantagio entertainment and by the time he returned, they already had a role in an upcoming drama. That was the start of their dream. Jino remained under fantagio entertainment as an actor but theo had a long hiatus because of his father's violent objection. Theo was only able to act in one drama. It triggered the start of theo's rebellious years. He locked himself in his room whenever he was home. However, once he finished his homeworks, he got bored, so he decided to make covers. He uploaded them to soundcloud and one day, the sudden realisation hit him that he could be singing in a much more professional environment.
"Failed attempts" : The first company he auditioned for as a singer was jyp entertainment. junghye was a huge fan of 2pm. He first sent in an email audition but once they called for a live audition, his father found out and stopped him from going, leading to jyp eventually losing interest in him. After being denied of his dreams twice, theo decided his father would never let him be in an entertainment company. The only way to get in was to run away from home and sign a contract that can't be broken easily. With the help of jino, theo was able to enter sm entertainment through their weekly auditions. At first, he was on a one month trial period. During the one month, he was nervous and couldn't perform at his best and he ended up getting kicked out at the end of the month. His father was so angry that he chased him out when he came back home. Jino was able to ask his friend to let theo stay with him for a few days.
"Finally a trainee" : The friend turned out to be a trainee at yg entertainment although he didn't live at the dorms because his house was near the company. With the help of the friend, his years of singing paid off and he was able to land a spot in yg after a difficulty earned walk in audition. He got himself a lasting contract and his father soon let the matter slide. Life as a trainee wasn't all that smooth either. Juggling school and training was already difficult so when bullies were added to the equation, theo thought he had made a grave mistake of going against his father's words and went into a slump. Thankfully, before he gave up on his dream, a kid by the name of bang yedam stepped up for him and the bullying antics stopped. At first, theo was just embarrassed that he was saved by a child but as time passed, he found himself feeling Thankful And trying his best to be a good friend to yedam.
family members.
Father / yu jung ho / 40 in 2016 / strict, traditional, religious, persistent
Aunt / yu jung hye / 38 in 2016 / caring, kind, sneaky, ambitious
Cousin / son jin oh / 16 in 2016 / considerate, peaceful, quiet, kind
idol friends.
◆ autumn - he thinks it's the perfect season to sing
◆ alcohol ( mainly sake and wine ) - he just likes the warm feeling of it in his stomach
◆ sports - he thinks it makes him look manlier
◆ banana milk - it's his guilty pleasure
◆ books - he used them to communicate with his lover
◆ skinship - he thinks it's not appopriate unless the person doing it is someone he really likes
◆ aegyo - he has nothing against other people's aegyo but he doesn't like it when they asks him to do it
◆ cats - he doesn't like that they're arrogant
◆ sweets - he avoids them because he thinks they look him look less manly
◆ Pink colour - another thing that he thinks will make him look less manly
◆ sleeps violently - he used to kick jino out of the bed to make space for himself, especially in summer
◆ picks at his fingertips - it didn't hurt but it looked very bad and it's like cutting your wrists to theo
◆ his lips - his lover always did it and he started doing it too
◆ he's obsessed with the idea of writing with his left hand even though he's right-handed
◆ his other name 'eliotte' came from the name bracelet he was left with and he treasures the bracelet
◆ he gets easily cold so he wears more clothes than others in winter
◆ he's not a very neat person.... okay, i admit, he's quite a messy person
◆ he looks up to big bang and 2pm
◆ He's a fan of Lim Kim
◆ his favourite anime is natsume yuujinchou
◆ his lucky number is 13
◆ he's intrigued by the idea of a zombie apocalypse and always says 'aim for the brain'
◆ he is fascinated by the busan accent / dialect
◆ whenever someone asks him what his ideal type is, he will reply "someone who goes by the name of lee seunghyo"
stage name. theo 테오
stage persona. the resilient child
◆ singing - he used to be in a choir and he have never once stopped singing
◆ Rapping - it was unexpected but he was able to rap not only quickly but clearly as well ( I hope it makes sense >< )
◆ acting - he received lessons when he was younger, however short it was, it still helped him improve a lot
◆ dancing - locking himself in his room did him no good in this category and since he focuses more on his voice, he occasionally mess up the choreography
◆ variety - although he is an actor, he just can't be funny, especially when they asks him to do aegyo
singing twin. Jinyoung of b1a4 ( n of vixx )
dancing twin. Ren of nu'est ( minhyun of NU'EST )
rapping twin. Zelo of bap ( suga of bts )
talking twin. Ren of nu'est ( minhyun of NU'EST )
the interview.
if you became a member of 41N, how would you react?
Hm..... i would be happy, that goes without saying. maybe I'll even cry? Hahaha. But it'll be quite emotional for me. I would finally be able to prove to my father that being a singer was my fate hahaha. 
why did you want to join yg entertainment?
Just because.... honestly, I had no thought of joining yg. To me, sm*beep* was looks, jyp*beep* was determination and yg was just talent with lots of potential. I thought I had looks and determination as well as potential but I was doubtful about the talent part. I am forever thankful for jino and his friend for bringing me to yg.
what do you expect 'mix and match' to be? would it be tough or easy? 
Of course it would be tough! Not only will you have to perform well for the viewers and judges but for the fellow trainees as well. I'm a bit worried about alliances and stuff like that as well. I'm not really a social butterfly and i believe people hate me much more than they like me so i'm really nervous about this. It will be tougher for some of us....
are you confident of becoming a member of 41N? why?
Yessssshhhhh~ If i don't become a member of 41n, my father would really kill me. so more than being confident about becoming a member, i think i need to become a member hahaha.
if you are a member of 41N, what would your position in the group be?
main vocalist! But my trainer said I would be lead rapper and lead vocalist.... 
love interest. Lee seunghyo + OC
birthday. July 7 1995
face claim. seunghyo ( cosplayer )
backup love interest. Choi jin ri ( sulli ) + f(x)
personality traits. quiet, docile, kind, compassionate, gullible, cautious, dutiful, tolerant ( towards theo )
first meeting
Their first meeting was quite boring. It was when both of them were teens and it was quite formal. seunghyo's father, jiseung, was quite a obsessive father who didn't want to marry his daughter off to just anybody. jungho had also been enraged with theo's attempt to get into jyp entertainment so he saw this as a perfect oppurtunity for 'revenge'. So the fathers set a date, January 1 2019 when the two are deemed old enough to marry ( I'm not sure if this is right but i guess it's a reasonable age.... ). The first time they talked to each other, they started with an apology from both sides. 
As all arranged marriage couples, they are quite awkward with each other. theo acts all chivalrous towards seunghyo and seunghyo starts acting all girly and lady like. Although they have never told each other that they love each other, they both know they are getting married whether they like it or not so they try to make it better by acting all nice to each other. They even have nicknames for each other! Theo calls jihye 'hyo nuna' while seunghyo calls theo 'taeyu'. There was also a time when they tried to rebel against their parent's wishes but they soon found themselves falling for the other so now, they're not really againstthe arrangement. Also, since theo joined yg without his father's consent, the engagement is only a small gift to appease his father's anger.
They have never told anyone else that they are engaged. The most that others think of them are lovers and they're content with just that. Imagine having a friend who has been engaged since age 15. However, if theo were to debut, he would have to tell the fans either way. So on the very first episode, Theo alerted the viewers of his relationship with seunghyo. the other trainees would probably be shocked and future fans would probably be sad and some might even try to break them apart but they would all probably come to accept it as the wedding date draws nearer.
relationship status. engaged / lovers
eventual ending. married lol ( maybe they push the marriage earlier because of fans? )

yamitan7 & miya.
comments. hello~~~~ I applied again :3 I hope theo was quite different from alan, i tried to make that happen but i'm not sure how well i did it.... Oh and I hope you like the seunghyo part <3 
scene suggestions.
◆ jino visiting their dorm and surprising theo on his birthday
◆ theo sending seunghyo a video message on her birthday
◆ theo arriving somewhere first and pranking the other members by putting fish sauce instead of cola in their drinks
◆ theo and jongkyu working together to prank the others
password. Chanwooooooooooooo
© troelson 2014


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