Beauty - Pretty



The one word girls use and hear most of the time, probably just a little more than "why".


"Do you think this dress is pretty?"


"Do you think who and who is pretty?"


I think, beauty is a subjective word. The one person whom I think is the prettiest one in the world might not be, and is most likely not, the same person whom you think is the pretiiest in the world. And who are we to judge whether one person is pretty or not?


Are we to judge by appearance? In some part of the world, being fat is a undeniable factor in defining beauty while in others it is the very taboo in beauty. Are we to judge by personality then? Nerdy girls may appeal to some rather than cheerleaders, while the reverse is also true. What about inner beauty then? Seriously, how many people judge by that?


When we are young, and our sense of beauty much more innocent, we decide the beauty of an object or a person by the level of fondness we have for the very thing. She may not have big blue eyes, racks or boots, the nicest temper, fashion sense nor flawless skin, but our mother, or father is still the prettiest person at some time in our lifes. People may say that being young and naive is what adversely affects our sense of beauty, but personally, I think that trends and social norms are the true pollutants.


Some time along our path of growing up, the pretty flowers and clouds have been replaced by fashion labels whilst people replaced by celebrities and their lookalikes. A slim young selfish girl with flawless skin and intriate facial features, as compared to a dirty wrinkled compassionate old woman who would share her scarce food with the homeless, who is more beautiful?


If you have chosen the former, then the pollutants of the modern world have tainted your sense of beauty. You would not be able to keep your beauty as looks are merely fleeting, and fashion plainly materialistic, If you have chosen the latter, then congratualtions ar in order, your world would never run out of beauty as you appreciate the more lasting nature.


So, the next time someone ask if you find yourself pretty, think about this, "If you take pride in being yourself, you are the prettiest person in the whole world,"


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Haha! I don't think I'm the prettiest, but I know I'm pretty. ^_^