LOve LoVe!! new years Boyfriend~



this is my first ever blog and i'm happy that this topic will be my first..


on new years eve, i Silent, officially have a Boyfriend!!!


i know, i know.. you're probably thinking, "who cares.." "why is she telling us this?" "weirdo"


guess what, i dont care~ i am  just too happy..


we've known each other for like two minutes and i feel as if we're meant for each other.


ok, you're going to think that i making this story up, but trust me, i'm not.


here's how it went.

i was in a bookstore near my college, looking for some english books to read but stopped when i felt someone staring at me.

i turned my back and saw this cute guy walking into the bookstore and guess what, his eyes were on me. i know it sounds like fake, but i swear, it happened.

so, our eyes met and since i was new with all this 'love' thingy, i didnt know why my heart was beating rocket fast. it felt weird, but in a nice way.

back to the story, i blushed and stumbled backwards, trying hard to occupy my mind with something else, like finding my book, well, that's when he aproached me. *yells happily*

there he was, right next to me, seriously, i felt like i was going to faint. i couldnt take the tense no more, so i ran out the bookstore like a weirdo. *sigh, why did i do that*

i stopped after running a few blocks to catch my breath. my heart felt like it was going to fall out. my face was bright red and i thought i looked like a tomato. *essh!!*

i thought that was going to be the last time i was going to see him, but i was wrong.

before going to the bookstore, my friends and i promised to meet up at a cafe near our college that evening after i finished all my shopping, so we did.

i told them about the guy and they all had this strange grin on their faces. seriously, it was weird.

we were busy babbling about how stress we were about the next day being new years and stuff (the new years for us is not exciting because our lecturer gives us tons of assignments during the holidays. -_-") and we didnt notice someone sitting besides our table. it was him. *screams..*

one thing led to another and i found myself strolling beside him in the park that new year's eve. he confessed that he actually felt the same way that i did when we were at the bookstore.

he said " i cant help but feel attracted to you, i know this is funny but i think i love you" *chessy? i know, but i fell for it anyway*

when the clock striked 12 and the fire-works were flying, we fell in Love.

it was our first meeting and i had my first kiss that night *last night*

-the end-

hehe, still dont believe me?

it's ok, i dont dont belive me either, but i know it happened and i can assure you it did!


i' so happy that i'll update my story tonight *if i dont have to work*






i just love you guys!!




wish me luck and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!


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O___O wow ...
NevertheMaknae #2
Wahhhhhh I'm so happy for you!!!!