code violet : Yoon, Eun Bi

Plot Line: The Drummer. 
Name: Yoon, Eun Bi.
Nickname: Her cousin gave her the nickname, "Sweetie", because he thinks she is the cutest thing, and he wanted everyone around them to know they were close. Her cousin's friend gave her the nickname, "Honey", because they are very close and he likes to playfully act like they're a couple.
Date of Birth + Age: 04/14/95 + 19
Place of Birth: Bucheon, South Korea
Hometown: Bucheon, South Korea
Languages: Fluent Korean, native tongue. Conversational English, studies well in school. Conversational Japanese, took lessons on weekends in school.
Ulzzang: Ne Rou.
Backup: Park Soo Yeon.
Appearance + Style: Medium-length hair, a little past her shoulders, with light brown highlights, and bangs swept to the right. Dark brown eyes. No tattoos or scars. Her style is casual and comfortable, most of her wardrobe consists of neutral and pastel colours. Doesn't favour tight clothing, prefers light and baggy or oversized. 
On stage, Eun Bi wants to try to wear a style that's pretty different from her own. She wants to show a different side of what she usually looks like. She doesn't own much of the items at first, since she didn't know where to buy them, so she asked the other girls in the band to borrow a few items. Eun Bi always wanted to try on something like this kind of outfit or this (minus the hat). It's bold and something new from what she's used to. She's open to many new ideas as long as the clothing is not too provocative or is restricting her movements.
Eun Bi is a gentle and shy person. She's level-headed and always thinks before she speaks or acts. Eun Bi may appear cold when people first meet her, because she doesn't really speak and when she does it's really quiet, but it's because she's nervous. She doesn't have many other friends and it's mostly because her trust is really small and hard to gain. Despite her cold appearance, even if they were not close, if someone were to ever seek Eun Bi out for a listening ear, she would do so without hesitation. She's helpful and caring, and always assesses the situation before speaking. She's very mature, and has experienced much to know what to say to help.
When people get to know her and break through her bubble, Eun Bi is more open about her feelings, but still keeps most of her troubles inside. Eun Bi smiles more often and like making small conversation and her innocence peeks through her reactions. She doesn't like bothering other people when she knows they might have it more rough than her, and will write down her thoughts on paper. If Eun Bi allows her feelings to build up too much, she bursts into rant to her cousin or takes it out on the drums. She gets emotional and seems very child-like when only around her cousin and his friends, who also become her close friends. Only when she's sure a person is able to be trusted and is sincere, like herself, then she'll open herself to them.
She is pretty respectful, but also stubborn. Eun Bi knows what she wants and is determined to reach that goal or dream, and will work hard and do anything she can. She listens to her parents and studies well, not that she has much to interest outside of school, but she enjoys the education and growing knowledge. She doesn't like breaking rules or being rude to elders and strangers, but if they go against her own dreams or go out of their way to bother her, she will speak her mind. 

When Eun Bi first meets Code Violet, she thought she would have a hard time getting along with everyone because they looked a bit intimidating, but she wanted to push herself to get out of her shell. Eun Bi first observed how some of the more talkative members interacted before trying to talk to them herself, so she could know how to present herself properly. Fortunately, most of the other members personalities do make it easier for Eun Bi to communicate with them. It's not that Eun Bi doesn't want to get along with the girls, since she'll be working with them for a while and doesn't want any bad blood between them, she's just not used to girl friends after her experience with them in the past. 


Background: Used to be a cheerful kid in elementary and half of middle school. Was super friendly and knew almost everyone. She thought people liked her for her nice and caring self, but were really only after her money and popularity. Eun Bi’s family isn’t super rich, but well-off enough that she has some nice things that most of her classmates didn’t. Everything was normal until the start of summer break, when she didn’t see most of them. When school started again, Eun Bi noticed that they all had their own little group of friends now and they all acted like they didn’t know Eun Bi at all. She was deeply hurt and was confused why that happened, until she overheard some of her old so-called friends talking in the washroom stall. “Gosh, that little goody-two shoes thought we actually liked her. She’s such a teacher’s pet, acting all innocent.” When they finally left on that note, Eun Bi slowly but surely started noticing how the others looked at her.
She started distancing herself from her classmates rather than the other way around, and her personality also changed as well. She didn’t talk as much, not that there was anyone to talk with, so she ended up becoming more observant. As such, she noticed all the negative and repulsive things her classmates did and vowed to not do anything similar so she wouldn’t get corrupted. Soon, Eun Bi reached a level of maturity that was much higher than even the smartest and oldest kids in her class. Eun Bi was alone most of the time, she rarely smiled or laughed anymore, and just faded away into the wallpaper.
She stayed home almost all the other times when she wasn’t required to be at school, and took comfort in music. It was her happy place away from the world. Creating music and keeping the rhythm came naturally for her, and she also started to build a small love for singing. She took lessons for a different arrangement of instruments, courtesy of her parents, to start making her own music. Eun Bi learned piano, drums, and guitar, but she loves beating the drums the most.
Her parents thought her interest in music would only be a phase and fulfilled any requests, but they were getting worried how attached she was getting and they started to take away her time away from the instruments by saying they're getting a headache from the banging. Eun Bi is a respectful person, so she listened to them and didn't drum as often. Although one day her parents tried taking away her drum set and that's when Eun Bi was lectured into going back on the path her parents had set out for her.
She considered trying to focus on studies and away from music, but she'll find herself tapping her pencils to an unheard rhythm and realized she couldn't just give it up and went to secretly audition for H.G. Entertainment. Her parents found out when they received a phone call following up on her audition, and were shocked that music has taken over her life this much. Eun Bi and her parents now often get into arguments about how she wouldn't make it in the music industry and how she should give up that dream and become something proper.
- Likes people who understand her, dislikes misunderstanding judgements.
- Fear of getting kicked out and getting no support because she wants to follow her dream, but doesn't want to give it up.
- She studies well and has been taught a couple of language lessons but only really remembers English and Japanese.
- Loves cats and felines, has always wanted to own one, but parents are allergic.
- Taps her pencil or fingers when thinking. 
- Has a big soft spot for cute things or people.
- Unconsciously pouts when her cousin or friends .
- Thinks she is unable to get along well with girls because of being around guys all the time.
- Tilts to the right when sleeping while sitting upright.
- Calls her friends by their real names rather than stage or nicknames.
Jung Mi Rae | Mother | Strict, blunt, and honest. She says whatever is on her mind, whether it comes out harsh or not. | Eun Bi and her mother used to always spend time together when she was younger, but recently it feels like she's walking on eggshells around her. Eun Bi always thinks before she speaks, so as to not start an argument about her future. 
Yoon Sang Hoon | Father | Cold, persistent, and impatient. He doesn't say his thoughts out loud, but his actions and facial expressions are clear. | While Eun Bi tries to avoid her mother's words, she's trying to avoid her father's stares. She knows very well that he is against her musical dream, and knows he might be close to bursting with discontent.
Yoon Doo Joon | Cousin | Straight-forward and blunt with his words, very carefree and outgoing. Hard-working and dedicated to his idol career. | Doo Joon and Eun Bi have always been close, like siblings, since childhood. When he heard that Eun Bi had been left alone during the time away while he was a trainee, he talked to her as much as he could so she could become cheerful like the way she was before.
Son Dong Woon | Best Friend | Outoing and friendly, likes doing skinship and looking out for people. Always hard-working and caring for s and friends from other groups. | Dong Woon is always happy to see Eun Bi and asks about her well-being. The other members of BEAST always saying that he likes her, but it's just a really close friendship. They met through Doo Joon, and they clicked right away. He's the one who gave Eun Bi her "Honey" nickname. 
Han Sang Hyuk | Best Friend/Classmate | Playful, outgoing, and mature. He's still a kid, but because of his immature group mates, he feels like he's aging faster than he should. | Hyuk was first attracted to Eun Bi because of her looks, but then later realized she also had a beautiful personality. He likes her shyness and her smile, so he acts cute to her because he knows Eun Bi really likes it when he acts his age. She makes sure Hyuk catches up on school when he's busy training.
Plotline Buddy: The Leader.
Name: Jung, Taek Woon (Leo from VIXX)
Age: 25
Personality: Shy, yet caring. Leo doesn't talk much, and really doesn't like when the attention is on him, so he mostly looks away from the camera, appearing to be rude rather than shy. He has a natural poker face, so no one ever knows what he's thinking. Despite his cold attitude and poker face, he's very sweet and caring. He doesn't show off his affections as much as his other group members, but cares for them with little gestures. Though he doesn't talk much, his reactions are more than enough for people to know that he's listening intently and is embarrassed or amused by them.
Background: Leo was an athletic and thoughtful kid who was pretty much always quiet because he was shy. He did a lot of sports to make up for his shyness, and was able to make friends with his teammates. He was always in love with music and started to change his dream from becoming a professional soccer played to a singer, after getting support from his teammates about how they think he'll make it.
Relationship: Eun Bi and Leo only meet up when she decides, and is able, to follow Sang Hyuk to his training, but they are now comfortable with each other that they ask how the other is doing. Eun Bi loves listening to Leo's voice and sometimes he asks her for advice or feedback. She thinks it's perfect and there's nothing else she can tell him other than that. She's not sure how he feels about her other than a close friend though. They aren't able to keep in contact yet because Leo isn't allowed to have a cell phone as a trainee.
How You Met: Eun Bi followed Sang Hyuk to his training one day after school and met s he was going to debut with. Taek Woon sitting quietly in the corner, listening to music, caught her eye and she became interested. She was able to get close to him by introducing herself properly and getting on the same emotional level as him. He's starting to be comfortable around her as well, because he knows that they both don't talk all that much, so he doesn't have to feel awkward around her.
Backup: Kim, Taehyung (V from BTS)
Personality: Childish, outgoing, and positive. He is always smiling or trying to make someone else laugh, and is pretty oblivious to the ways other people think of him. Taehyung will randomly say what's on his mind, whether it makes sense or not, but then makes a joke about it. He knows when to be mature or to stop joking when the situation calls for it, but can lose that sense of calmness in a second. Despite his childish and immature nature, he's observant of the world as well, and works hard towards his goals. Doesn't like giving up.
Background: Taehyung was a noisy kid, much like he is today. Everyone knew who he was because they could always hear him from a mile away and recognized his quirkiness. He's always wanted to be a singer, and his parents were very supportive of that, they even encouraged him to learn instruments so he would make more of an impact. But Taehyung was too impatient to learn too many things at once, so he knows the basics of everything but doesn't improve at them.
Relationship: Taehyung's naivety is relaxing to the always analyzing Eun Bi. Eun Bi likes being around Taehyung because of his simplemindedness and random jokes. They get partnered up for most projects and Eun Bi is more than happy to help the bright, but slow, child with any problems he has. He likes her maturity and the way she's always willing to help him out, since he's not the easiest person to teach. Taehyung finds her more charming everyday because of her never-ending kindness and tries harder to break through her shell.
How You Met: They were desk partners from the beginning of the year at school, and Taehyung introduced himself first. He couldn't tell whether she was shy or not, so he just kept talking and blabbering on until he got a reaction from Eun Bi. She eventually opened up after sensing no bad intentions, and is really glad for his openness. Taehyung's naivety is relaxing to the always analyzing Eun Bi.


Comments/Questions/Concerns: Hope you like my character! Let me know if I need to fix anything or if anything is unclear :) 
Also, V is the backup love interest, but I'd like the interactions to be the same even if Leo is the main love interest. Maybe make it seems like he looks up to her as an older sister rather than a potential lover instead. Thanks!
Scene Requests:
- Fluffy confession with Leo, in which he tries to awkwardly plan a whole outing day to build the moment.
- Code Violet winning their first award show.
- Cousin-bonding time with Eun Bi, Doo Joon, and maybe BEAST on the side.



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