full name. Lee, Jae Hoon
nicknames. Jay
age & date of birth. 22 & 23 May 1992
place of birth & hometown. Toronto, Canada & Seoul, South Korea
ethnicity. Korean
bloodtype. A
languages. Fluent Korean - native tongue. Fluent English - second native tongue.
height & weight. 183 cm & 63 kg

faceclaim. Lee Dong Hoon
backup faceclaim. Im Young Pyo
appearance. Small star tattoo behind his left ear. Light brown hair, parted to the right.
style. Comfortable, yet fashionable. Normal tshirts and striped sweaters, 
like in his pictures. Skinny jeans and converse. When he's at home, baggy tshirts or sweatshirts and sweatpants.

personality traits. Calm, caring, outspoken, shy, passionate, and sweet.
describe how they act. 

around friends, family and members.
Always smiling and open around his friends, family, and group members. Jae Hoon gets teased a lot for his clumsiness or for something that happened that embarasses him, but he loves moments like those because it shows how close he is to everyone. Similar to a mother figure, he doesn't mind taking care of people and comforting or paying for them.

in front of live cameras, variety shows, etc.

Shows professionalism and a calm composure. However, he can't control his laughter well, so if something is funny, Jae Hoon usually laughs longer than the person beside him. He doesn't have too many of his own unique skills, but he tries hard, only to look really weird (derpy). He has a clear tone of voice, but stutters a little bit when he doesn't rehearse his lines enough or is half-asleep.

towards strangers, guests, fans and people they idolize or like.
In front of strangers, and guests, he shows his politeness, and welcomes them warmly. Towards fans, Jae Hoon shows his gratefulness and thanks the fans by bowing to all of them, and acknowledging them when seen in public. If he's not too busy, he would fulfill requests such as a photo together or an autograph. In front of people he idolizes, Jae Hoon becomes very flustered and doesn't know what to say to them other than he really likes them, unless he has a connection and was introduced to them in advance. 


» Likes cats and small animals, owns a small white scottish fold kitten named Milky. 
» Loves nature and all seasons. If he had to choose a favourite it would be fall because of the pretty changing leaves.
» Enjoys reading online rather than books because he thinks online writers are better. Is aware of fanfiction, he reads the non-romance ones because he's read some... interesting ones. 
» Doesn't like when people judge others before getting to know them.
» Looks down on people who don't offer their seats to the elderly, or sit in their prioritized spots on public transit.
» Uncomfortable with agressive fans who go over the line of privacy.

» Close friends with Jackson Wang and Mark Tuan from GOT7. 
» Switches between languages when nervous or babbling on.
» Kind of emotional, tears up during sad movies or when feeling touched. 
» Some people think he's EXO's Suho's long-lost brother due to their similar personalities.
» Doesn't take selcas himself, but will join in if a friend persists him to.
» Loves listening to music, and he tends to mouth the lyrics or tap his foot to the beat.

love interest. Another applicant
backup love interest. KARA's Young Ji
personality traits. The applicant's.

how you met or meet. 

They'll meet when they get introduced to each other as trainees and become close.

your relationship. 

They're very close and help each other with any problems or worries, and comfort each other. They help with singing/rapping/dancing practice when needed, and joke around a lot. 

kissmeshawol25 & Lico.
comments, questions, concerns. Second character I'm applying with, hope you like him too! 
scene requests or suggestions.
-Can I request that he gets partnered with Song Jonghyun for something and it's a comedy scene? ^^
-All three of Jackson, Mark, and Jae Hoon doing something dumb, and speaking in english.
anything else? Nope :)








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