So I talked to some ghosts last night....

Okay so I was at my friend's house and we found this thing on the internet where you turn off all the lights and light a candle, and the candle attracts ghosts and spirits. Each player shuffles a deck of cards, and place 12 (ish) cards out. Then the players take it in turns to go around the circle, and ask yes or no questions. A heart is a yes, a spade is a no, diamonds are maybe, clubs are probally not and jokers mean the spirits are playing with you. 


Me and my two friends light thirteen candles rather than one to make it thirteen times as intense... and also because we only had tea lights and one tea light wasn't enough to play the game. 


In response to my questions the ghosts told one of my friends she shouldn't study any of the subjects she's considering at uni, it told my other friend she isn't going to get in to the university of her choice, and it told me:


  • I shouldn't teach English as a job
  • I'm going to be married by the time I'm twenty five
  • But my first husband won't be my only husband
  • I'm going to be living in Korea in the next 3 years
  • One of my husbands will be Korean
  • My first child might be a boy
  • I'll have that first child by the time I'm twenty five

... it told me some other stuff too but that's all I can remeber xD 


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Lol that seems interesting!
Kim_TaeV #2
How old r u now?