Painful Confessions

  1. 2013 - 2014 I would pretty much only wear clothes SNSD had worn
  2. Ditto hair styles
  3. Late 2013 I pretty much accidentally shaved off half my eyebrows on either side because I was trying to get straight eyebrows
  4. Once in TKMaxx (TJMaxx for the Americans) I found an exact pair of flip flops Sunny had worn but they were £15 and I didn't want to go that far
  5. think about it
  6. I thought it was fine to shave off half my eyebrows in the effort
  7. to look like SNSD
  8. but
  9. I wouldn't spend
  10. £15 
  11. on flip flops


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hahaha... wait TJMaxx is that expensive there in the UK? ._.
exoHUnHAnexo #2
Lol ,i would have done the number 1 if im not broke XD
LMAO this list
PipTheTerror #4
This is an intervention >:D
