I'm Bored :(

Hey guys. How are you doing? I'm at my bro's house right now handing out candy and let me tell you, I'm bored as . Anyone want to talk to me? I'm most likely going to be up all night because the genius that I am, I forgot to bring my meds with me which means I don't have my pill that helps me sleep. The last time I forgot to take them, I was up the whole night but then finally crashed at around noon. Hopefully I'll be able to sleep, but if not then I can just talk to you guys ;). 


Another thing that happened today was that my best friend finally had her baby this morning! I'm so proud of her and her baby boy Dorian is so handsome. I can't wait to finally meet him.


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MyeolchiHyuk #1
heyyy.. im fine... den euu?

Aww I hope you are able to sleep, Or try just laying there until you fall asleep. That sometimes works for me oh and also btw tell your friend I said congratulations on her new baby boy :D
I'm home, after trick or treating in heels. I have a blister but it was totally worth it! I cosplayed as Soyou in Loving U era. Which is why I had the heels on. I can talk! Just after I take a shower haha it was raining while we were trick or treating
I'm at my mom's boyfriend's house. Me, my sister and niece are bored af x3
I'm bored too.
I can't be bothered leaving the house so I'm eating a whole lot of candy and I can't stop haha.

And Dorian is such a cute name!! Awwwww.