full name. Yoon, Eun Bi
nicknames. "Sweetie" and "Honey"
age & date of birth. 21 & 14 April 1993
place of birth & hometown. Bucheon, South Korea
ethnicity. Full Korean
bloodtype. O
languages. Fluent Korean - native tongue. 
height & weight. 167 cm & 49 kg

faceclaim. Ne Rou
backup faceclaim. Park Soo Yeon
appearance. Light brown hair colour and ear piercings.
style. Casual and comfortable. Different variety of colours, depending on the weather. Doesn't own any skin-tight articles other than leggings and skinny jeans, she hates the feeling of her top being constricted by clothing. Baggy sweaters , usually in neutral colours, and shorts or skirts and leggings for the colder weathers. Knit cardigans and shorts, and flowy skirts or dresses, in light pastel colours, for warmer weathers.

personality traits. Outspoken, childish, stubborn, shy, straight-forward, and quirky.
describe how they act. 

around friends, family and members.
Clingy, childish, and a total aegyo queen. When Eun Bi becomes close to a new friend, she likes to do skinship to them with hugs and holding hands. She is a kid when she isn't required to be mature, so she also chatting and pointing out random things. She does aegyo to get what she wants, in addition to her skinship, and usually does it unconsciously. 

in front of live cameras, variety shows, etc.

Outspoken, stubborn, and quirky. Eun Bi has a little bit of a 4D personality, and it's effective for variety shows or clips. In interviews, she gives her opinion in a very persuasive way and markets very effectively. If she were in a competition, she would try her best and try to win. She never gives up when something seems too hard.

towards strangers, guests, fans and people they idolize or like.
Shy, good-natured, and sweet. Eun Bi tries not to scare off new people she doesn't know or isn't close to her with her 4D childish personality, so she refrains from talking too much, resulting in people thinking she's shy. Her actions become awkward, like her hands. She wouldn't know where to put them if they weren't wrapped another person's arm, so she usually waves endlessly or claps them softly. However, she is very polite and smiles a lot while waving or bowing. 


» Likes kimchi and spicy food. Loves that it's her country's signature food served with every meal.
» Sits normally on a chair or couch, but as time passes, she curls into a ball.

» Rolls a lot when asleep, usually out of bed.
» Loves listening to lots of different kind of music, but mostly in Korean.
» Buys neck pillows for travelling, so her neck won't roll too much.
» Loves cats and small animals.
» Cousins with BEAST's Doo Joon.
» Super afraid of bugs and insects.
» Hates being cold, would rather wear more layers than shivering.
» Likes washing dishes when stressed out.
» Moved from Bucheon to Seoul because of her dad's work.
» Classmates and friends with VIXX's Hong Bin.
» Ideal type is someone with a sweet smile, and charismatic eyes.
» Amused by the littlest things, especially lame puns.
» People say she sometimes looks like NU'EST's Ren.
» Learned how to play guitar when she was younger.

love interest. VIXX's Leo
backup love interest. Another applicant
personality traits. Shy, short-tempered, sweet, passionate, charismatic, and mysterious.

how you met or meet. 

Eun Bi followed Hong Bin to his training one day after school and met s he was going to debut with. Leo sitting quietly in the corner listening to music caught her eye and she became interested. Her and N became close quickly due to their outgoing and quirky personalities, so he and Hong Bin know of her little crush on Leo. She was able to get on talking level with him with her shy side, and he's starting to be comfortable around her as well, even though he knows that she and N together are trouble. 

your relationship. 

Eun Bi and Leo only meet up when she decides and is able to follow Hong Bin to his training, but they are now comfortable with each other that they ask how the other is doing. She watches them train from the side, and sometimes offers to help give pointers to their vocals or dance. Eun Bi loves listening to Leo's voice and sometimes thinks there's nothing else she can tell him other than that. She's not sure how he feels about her other than a close friend though.

kissmeshawol25 & Lico. 
comments, questions, concerns. Hope you like my applicant, let me know if I need to fix anything ^^
scene requests or suggestions.
-Greasy group bonding time where Eun Bi is able to open up to her members.
-Kiss scene in MV, teaser or drama maybe? And then Leo gives her the cold shoulder out of jealousy.
anything else? Can't wait for your updates!








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