vixx, got7, bts, btob, b.i.g fans, i need your help!

so I was watching some big byung's variety show and i found them really entertaining :>

so any vixx, got7, and btob variety shows to recommend? Like all the variety shows ever since their debut! I would appreciate your help! Also bts and b.i.g because they seem to have talents too! I would also love if you guys tell me some of their hit songs!


thanks in advance! :)


p/s i hate how all my sentences in the second paragraph ends with exclaimation mark


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faithlu #1
igot10 heheheheh
igot7! a song for you, let's go dream team 2 (140412, 140419,140816), realgot7, weekly idol
btob cool men, beatles code
LittleNobody317 #3
Btob cool men
and also btob diary but thats like 50 eps and literally their daily lives as they record themselves with a cam
daawesomecat #4
igot7??????? I rly dk HAHhahHagahgahahaHAG
got7- realgot7 and Igot7
bts- rookie kings (im not sure if that's the right name)