My Corny New Year's Wishes~

Wow...just like that, 2011 is coming to a startling end. I'm in shock at how quickly the "new" year has passed.

So bring on 2012!

But before you do...I have some stuff I want to say to some people. And some wishes to make, if that's not too much to ask?

I guess first and foremost I want to wish for everyone's health and happiness. And I mean everyone's. From idols' to my friends and family...If you can't see someone smile everyday, the world becomes a pretty bleak place, you know? So I sincerely want everyone to have a feel-good 2012. Achieve the happiness you've always wanted :)

Next I want to wish for the capabilities of becoming a better leader to my group. If things go wrong, I always take it personally and take the blame, especially since I'm the one holding the works up of recording due to my hectic schedule. But I truly want to find and make time to spend with my two best friends in order to move us forward. Because I know we can make it out there...I have faith. It would just be nice to be able to spend the time with them in order to prove we can make it. Please give me the strength as the leader to better myself as both an entertainer and artist AND as a person.

And I guess I won't be too greedy and keep wishing for things, but this last one is very important to me. Please...resolve my aunt and uncle's issues quickly and painlessly. It's hard being with them, knowing that things might not ever be the same between them. Growing up they were like my second parents, and to know that things went wrong somewhere isn't something I want to keep seeing. And for my baby cousin's sake...please let them resolve their issues and move on with their lives, no matter what that means for them decision wise.

As an added note, I have some people that I want to thank for making 2011 memorable~ Specifically fellow AFF users ;)

Sharona and Jynx...Mickey and know what I have to say to you guys. You drive me insane, but yet keep me sane at the same time. You are the ground that keeps me planted, the wings that raise me two are my best friends, and I really don't know where I'd have been this past year without you. Please continue to have faith in me as a leader and I promise that Ge2TT will be as successful as we've always wanted ^^ ♥

Erin...I've never trusted someone online as much as I've trusted you. You have given me some of the greatest advice and the most helpful life lessons...and yet I've never gotten to fully repay the favor. Someday, we're going to get to meet in person, and I'm going to do something to thank you for all the help you've given me. You're like the older sister I've always wanted, and I love you very dearly ♥

Jayme...You have no idea how thankful I am that you came to me. We met impartially because I read your story...and you wanted someone to talk to whom you didn't really know. I mean it...I'm so thankful you came to talk to me. One of my greatest friendships started over not the greatest thing, but it's become something great. Unni loves you so very much and I can't wait until I'm old enough to travel and see you ♥

Melissa...Again, you have no idea how thankful I am that you came to talk to me. Little conversations became big, and now we talk through text and phone. You're one of my biggest supporters, and you bring me to tears (in the good way!) with every little sweet thing you tell me. You're so wise beyond your years, and although you haven't always made the best choices, it means so much to me that I'm an inspiration to you. Don't ever change, and Unni will one day live up to your great expectations ;)

Bria...we met through mutual friends, and you've been a wonderful friend since. You've offered to do so much for us, and although you go to school far away, we actually live much closer than we thought. I can't wait to get the chance to meet you, because you're a wonderful friend and a beautiful person ♥

Lynn and Ryan...You guys give me so many laughs and you're both the sweetest people XD No wonder you guys are so perfect for each other. Just keep reminding your mothers that in the end I will be triumphant in winning Zico ;) LMFAO Your support of me is so adorable and I love you both and wish you both the best of luck~

Francesca...My little Ces-saeng. You're too cute. You really are. You're also one of Unni's biggest supporters and for that, I can't find the right words to thank you for being...well, you. You can say you aren't pretty all you want, but Unni sees the truth, and what I see is a young woman who is going to get all the wonderful things she deserves ;)

Vivian...You're adorable also, my lovely dongsaeng XD We share many of the same biases and interests and that's so wonderful to be able to share with someone. You always listen to my problems and you are so smart. I'm so thankful that I've come to get to know you ;)

And just a few more people I'd like to thank ;)

Choi Jonghyun and Park Jaebom...Y'all are probably like "WTF?" But it's true. These two are the ultimate biases of my best friends. And for bringing those two happiness, I want to heartily thank these guys. Plus...they're special biases of mine too ;) But I'll leave it as the ultimate biases of my best friends~

Jung Yunho...My first ultimate bias ever. It was his pretty face that brought me a little closer to my kpop obsession. He also showed me that beauty can be more than just skin deep. He truly is a beautiful person, both inside and out, and I'm so thankful for his kindess to everyone. I just wish I could get the chance to tell him this personally someday. ♥

Kwon Jiyong...The swagger that is G-Dragon...where I got my name. I guess the most valuable lesson he's taught me is that it's okay to be human and make mistakes. All you have to do is get back up and stand even straighter than ever before. Perserverance and integrity is the best thing, and he certainly has that...and my respect. ♥

I think one of the biggest thanks of all...To Woo Jiho. Problem is I really don't know where to start. I guess...thank you for not catching my eye at first. If you did...I might not be the fan I am today. Thank you for being you. For being professional and immature and honest and yourself. Because you might not be the best looking or the kindest or the most educated...but you're the greatest to me. You've given me the desire to take chances, to better myself, to let myself be free to feel and think and say what I want to. You've helped me grow to be more confident and sure of myself. I've never been in love before. But the fact that just thinking about your name is enough to make me feel that I'm in love is something very special, and I wish I really could express this to you. Being able to watch you is amazing...someday getting to meet you will make everything alright. Thank you for everything, and please, please don't change a thing about yourself, because you might not be perfect, but that's exactly what makes you perfect. At least to me. Because to Sharona, you're still the same dirty Beggar-Co whose ego needs to be destroyed XD ♥

And of course all of my fellow Zicova buddies on here XD Unfortunately, my memory is not what it used to I forget some names >.< Please forgive me? Send me a PM of your names so I can learn everyone's lolz~

So yes...these are all of my New Years wishes. I would have tweeted people, but twitter's been down all day ._. So happy New Year to all~ ♥ May the new year be even better to you than the last ♥


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Kesesesese! How could you forget the awesome me!? :P (sorry, too much Hetalia on my mind xD)
Hope you had a great year! And continue having great years! ^^/
Happy new year to you too unnie *hugs* thanks for the sweet things you said!!!!'

Always be happy okay??? Put all sad memories behind and make new happier ones. Life is full of happy things so just keep your eyes out for it and be happy when you see it!!! Live life to the maximum becaus there is only one 2012.

Keep your head high. Even if life troubles you and you feel like giving up, look to the sky, and let all your troubles spill to the ground for just a split second if you can. Smile, and everything seems brighter. I hope you smile every day, even on the crappy ones. At least once, every day!!!!!

Unnie saranghaeyo, and happy 2012 <3
Aww I was feeling so crap just before (I had 4 something hours of sleep) and feeling miserable but the comment u made about me makes me feel so much better ♥. Yesh you have to tell Yunho that. For all the fans and people who admire and support him.
I teared up during this~ umma hyeong unni loves you very much DG-saeng<333
I teared up during this~ umma hyeong unni loves you very much DG-saeng<333
I teared up during this~ umma hyeong unni loves you very much DG-saeng<333
Every little word is so sweet, Unni. Thank you. :') <3
__eccedentesiast_ #9
Awww unni <3 kjddvdklsl I told you I'm always here for you ^^ and we haven't talked in a while ><