The Summer That Changed My Life

The Summer That Changed My Life
    It was sometime in July 2011, the date of the fair in Ogema. That morning my little sister Stephanie and I woke up early and went over to where the person who was doing our makeup lived. We were set to be clowns in the parade, then we would be taken to the fair grounds to help run the kiddie corner.
    Once our makeup was done we all got our clown outfits on and headed over to where the parade would start. I remember that I was wearing a sweater, but took it off because I was getting hot and gave it to someone who was helping out with the parade to hold onto it for me.
    The parade started and we gave out balloons to the kids. We had made it around the block and were heading to the end of the parade. I remember being tired and that everyone else had jumped onto one of the floats. I was too far behind, so I had to run. It felt like I was in one of those dreams where you were trying to get somewhere but you felt like you weren't moving at all. It was then that everything went black.
    The next thing I remember was waking up and seeing a bunch of people crowded around me. There were a couple of kids crying, but the one thing I remember most was seeing Stephanie crying. That's when I realized that something was wrong.
    I started crying out of fear, looking around for my Mom. The next thing I knew, Mom and an ambulance showed up and I was rushed to the hospital in Weyburn. When we got to the hospital, the doctor saw me and figured that I had just fainted and I was sent home.
    About a month later, on August 22nd my little brother Matthew, Stephanie and I were watching a tv show on my computer. I don't really remember much after waking up, just the sounds of the paramedics putting me on a stretcher. 
    We decided to go to Regina instead of Weyburn. The ride there was one of the worst experiences of my life. For the entire ride, I was throwing up. To spare you the details, it wasn't very pleasant.
    When we finally made it to the hospital we had to wait a long time before a doctor came to see me. After I was given an IV, I was told that it was a seizure that I had just had.
    For days afterwards I had Stephanie following me everywhere I went. I wasn't allowed to be left alone which frustrated me to no end. All I wanted was some space and time alone. I ended up taking time off from school becuase my health was so bad.
    Exactly a month after the seizure, I had another one    . I was sitting on the couch relaxing, I had put my coat on becuase I was cold.
    The thing I remember most about that morning when it happened was waking up feeling like someone was trying to suffocate me. Ironically enough I realized that I had an oxygen mask on. Once again, I was taken to Regina in the ambulance.
    After a long wait in the hospital, a neurologist came and told me that the pills I was taking were causing me to have the seizures. He immediately took me off of the one medication and was going to wein me off of the other one, then put me on some new medication. My parents and I decided that I would start going to said neurologist instead of the other one I had who wasn't very good.
    Following that I ended up taking several different tests to see if there was anything else that was causing the seizures. Turns out, I have scar tissue on my brain from when I was born. The doctor said that it could either go away on its own or it could be there for the rest of my life.
    Now, a little over three years later, I am seizure free and have not had any trouble since. As long as I keep taking my medication I will be alright.
    I would be lying if I said that it didn't affect me. Some days I feel as though the seizures have made me stupid, and I very often have trouble remembering things and I have troubles speaking, but other days I'm thankful for them. That may sound weird, but if they hadn't happened I wouldn't have a good neurologist and my little sister and I might not be as close as we are now.
    I still have other mental health issues that I am working on, but I have the strength to keep going.



Just thought that I'd share a little bit about myself with you guys. Thanks for reading ^_^


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MyeolchiHyuk #1
euu r such a strong person my dear...
im happy for euu...


kennocha #2
Aww, I wish I could hug you and crush all your bones! lol, jk!!
You are an amazing strong person ^_^
moonlightangel77 #3
Be strong! Ur in my prayers!
I am happy for you... I am glad you aren't having seizures... You are very strong to be like this because most who go through this are really depress and see rate from their family but you got closer to them... Keep being strong. FIGHTING!!
;-; aww bae.
You're so strong, and I hope that things will continue to be better for you.
tae1810 #6
be strong always Okay (:
Thank you for sharing ^_^