Next On SM The Drama…



SM The Drama… 


EXO's Member LuHan puts up a Lawsuit against SM ent. 

Folks lets play a Game!! 


For what I can imagen… Super Junior(?)


SM is going down real fast,  like not even funny fast. 

Im not a full SM girl but damn dudes you are fukking up a lot this year… Sulli,  Kris, Jessica and now LuHan… 

Stocks are going down like crazy… next up someone from SuperJunior and BOOM SM is gone for good… 

I wonder whats on the lawsuit. (?)

Luhan was being treated on a hospital for malnutrition and sleep problems or something like that I read and i only thuoght about i remembered reading that in SM they only eat once a day and practice atleast 10 to 12 hours a day… thats messed up knowing that the poor guys know the dances since long ago and still you put them throu that, then just think about the insane amount of concerts they did non fukking stop was just too muchhh for my brain to handle. 

LuHan is okay bacause he tries to stay healthy but lets just think about Lay and Kai for a moment here.  We all know that mister im the best dancer in the world Kai has bigtime problems with his back and oh im so spaced out and my Korean is freaking adorable Lay,  he has a blood thing that i dont remember the name of… 

I just think is mind blowing that the nshdhsnbxsjnznsnx of SM only see money… 

Let me do you a map SM


Healthy Singers/Groups = Money

Happy Singers/Groups = Money

Fair traetment because they are humans = Money


Slave contracts = Money at firts eventually they will get tired and go Kris on your azz

Over working and over schedualing= Tired members , sick members ,unhappy members and go Jyj on your asz

No family time = you just fukked up in the head… nothing worst than missing your family cuz ThEy dont let u even have a minute to think straight… 



Do you need Google maps to guide you SM(?)


What does logic tells you(?)

………… ..

Ending all my Bull talking I just wanna say… 


WUFAN / KRIS ( whatever your name will be or is)  I will support u till no end… u are my brother from another mother

LUHAN dude just walk it out my friend Go to China and Meet up with Kris and make a duo… you sing he raps and Puff magic


WuHan Duo people thats the new EXO sub Unit

#wuhanforever lol


Lets just support them and see them. Be happy… thats all us fan can wish for and hope for




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Preach it girl you hit the nail on the head SM Ent will fall faster than a ton of hot coal their stocks showing the proof they need to stop the slave contract keep the idols male an female safe an healthy an stop the abuse!!
Your title is funny.
You know what you had the same thought as me! Lol. For Luhan to pair up with Kris and release music together!