I'm Really Struggling Guys

So, last night something happened at Bible study that really upset me, and I just needed to get this off of my chest. I support Gay rights and marriage, and my pastor continually talks about how wrong it is, and it really hurts me. My old pastor happened to be gay and I can honestly say that she saved my life, and I adore her very much, but hearing that, it hurts me so much.Their was a time in my life when I honestly wanted to die, and Therisa, my old pastor came and talked to me and made me realize that life is worth living, and that there were people who cared about me and wanted me to get better, and from that day, I vowed that I would never think that way again. The point is that I have alot of respect for that woman. That's why it hurts so much. That and the fact that all of my ships are and Yuri. Them continually talking about how wrong it is makes me feel like I'm a bad person and that I'm going to Hell because of it. I mean, I understand that it is in the Bible, but part of me just wants them to stop constantly talking about it so that I can live my life with out the constant hurt that it causes me. I can't help but wonder, does anyone else feel the same way as I do? I'm also kind of stressed about my school work, so that doesn't make me feel any better. 


Sorry that this was so long guys, but I really needed to get that off of my chest and talk to someone that I knew wouldn't judge me. Thank you for listening, I love you guys so much. <3


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I feel the same! My mother I really didn't know until recently but she is very homophobic but well I mean I don't support them or hate them I just think everyone has the right to love whoever they want and they shouldn't be judged for who they love because actually there are a lot of gays in my school and nobody cares they just let them love who they want, and I think there should be more people like that. Even my best friend is homophobic and she thinks it weird that I kinda support them but honestly I don't care. Ok disregard what I said when I said I don't support them; I guess I strongly support them. I really do think that everyone should love who they want freely without anyone criticizing them. I feels ya. Just choose to ignore those comments and don't worry you won't go to hell for supporting them. I don't go to church but I know the stress you feel from the people around me. I wish you luck and remember, just ignore them. Everyone has their own opinions.
I am religious and read the bible but I support gays. Yes, in the bible it says that being gay is bad and there are a lot of things that are written against it. But there is also the aspect that God wants us to be happy and that is also in the bible. So the two literally contradict each other. Also, God is supposed to forgive all sins for those who admit mistakes and repent. Trust me, I'm confused about this too but that's the way the bible is written.
I hope that helps! Lol I wasnt allowed to go past 2000chars so yeah sorry for the bad spelling and stuff
I'm a Pentecostal Christian. I do not support gay rights, but that doesn't mean I'm going to hate people for it. Also, you're NOT goingto hell just because you think of them that way. I mean, eventually you're going to have to let these shippings go, because it IS against God's word. God is never going to think less of you. God loves everyone equally, and nothing you do can make Him love you more or love you less. If you want to experience what God is telling you, ask Jesus for help. Be like "Jesus I know this is wrong, but I cannot stop and it's really hard for me too. It brings me happiness and I'm scared of the consequences of this." (As in you're afraid to go to hell.) Honey, I am a Christian but all of my writing has swearing in it. I realize it is bad to do that but I'm trying to stop and it'll take time, and Jesus is gradually helping me to get better about it. Trust me. Don't worry about anything and just ask Jesus for help. And don't just ask for help and not even try to repent. Of course you're not going to feel better about it.

And it's not peoples fault that their gay. It's their sinful nature. We as humans are all sinners. Just because you are a "good" person doesn't mean you're going to heaven. Someone can be an atheist and run all these charities and donate millions and billions of dollars to someone, and sure, as amazing as that is, if that person does not accept Jesus Christ as his Lord and savior, there is no way that guy's going upstairs.

You can be the world's biggest sinner. You could have slaughtered millions and billions of people. You could be the biggest bully in your school. If you ask Jesus Christ for mercy, for forgiveness, then you are SAVED. Jesus loves everyone. He will give everyone a chance.

He died on the cross for YOU, He shed his blood for YOU, and He loves you SOOOO much I can't even put it into words. It is never endling love, and as long as you ask Him to help you feel it and to live by it, then you won't struggle as u r now
We are at a day and age where we see same relationships on tv, in movies and we ship them. So this means that we are accepting of same relationships and we get that everyone has the right to love whoever they want, because what we see is that love is love. Gender, race and religion dont matter.

Older generations didnt have that while they were growing up, all they saw around them was a man and a woman. Gay men and women were dating in secret because it was such a taboo that they would be rejected in society and ignored like the plague.

For these reasons and many more, our generation is more accepting to same relationships than our parents' genration.
So don't feel bad about that. Its purely a matter of opinion affected by society.
I'm a Muslim. You can only imagine how Muslims are strict about such things. I, too, react badly if I saw someone gay, I'd avoid the at all costs, but that doesn't mean I'm homophobic! I can't judge people, they can do whatever they want, but just for the respect of my religion, I avoid them. I don't hate them, or on them. In fact, I ship too! I respect their humanity and I wish them all the best. But I still choose to stay away from them... Not because they're a virus or something, I swear not! But I choose to respect and listen of my religion. So I'm neutral about this matter. Listening to my religion but still not reacting extremely to homo *I react bad but not extreme like some!*

Anyway sorry I made this long. I usually read your stuff and just leave without commenting but I felt like this time, I should really speak. Don't worry, you're not alone! People can do what they want! As long as you're not doing something you believe is wrong, you're okay! :)
I understand how you feel. I also support gay rights and marriage but so many don't support it then they want us supporters to feel bad about it. I have a guy friend who turn out to be gay and he thinks I don't know about it but I found out least year but I don't ask him anything. If he doesn't want to tell me, I will not force him to. But then those who say about him make me feel angry and hate them for saying horrible things behind his back. Then my dad is anti homo person that wants them to die and go to hell and stuff and he makes me feel like I am crazy and stupid. He doesn't know yet that I support gay people. BUt I will continue supporting them no matter what. But I do feel lower than everyone for thinking this and the fact that I am a loner at school doesn't help either cause if I speak up more hate comments will be thrown at me. I don't have anyone to tell this too because EVRYONE in my damn school is freaking anti-gay .....Its so sad to see this in people not accepting people for who they are.
Taoris95 #8
I believe that god loves us all equally and unconditionally, and we don't have to try to conform to anything to please him. He made you and he loves you. If being gay was wrong, why would he create gay people?
Frogirl #9
hey, I'm not religious so I probably have no idea what I'm talking about ( sorry xx), but, I believe if something/someone makes you happy then the people (or god?) around you will most likely be happy for you. from what I've been taught about Christianity your god loves and forgives everyone regardless, I personally assume this includes homouals, no?
I tend to except people no matter what (also one of my flaws) so that includes homouals; I just believe in 'do what makes you happy' and if your ships make you happy I then that's amazing xx
Oh honey :(
If you need to get anything off your chest you can talk to me :)
I'm actually bi and I live in an extremely homophobic and religious town so...I think I kind of get it, what you're feeling.
this is a unique situation, unfortunately it seems many, if not most religious communities have their homophobic nuts. i would suggest you join a love-all, free-speech, modern-day religious church. you can't make the churches change for you, but you can always find a new one. hope this helps and tell your parents you want to leave and why, maybe leave out some stuff. good luck!!
smilebear24 #12
Oh I feel like a bad person now too :(
smilebear24 #13
Hey there. I feel the exact same way.
I'm Catholic and I've heard that same-gender couples are wrong. And I support them.
I'm not trying to go against the Bible or anything, but I just don't get why. Aren't they still humans too? And God will love everyone the same way, right?