The Old AFF

I guess as time goes on and kpop is becoming more and more popular around the world, a lot of things have to change and the first thing i notice that has changed is AFF.

I remember when I joined in March 26th 2010 AFF was simple and so non-complicated! The wallpost thing was a small box on the right hand side and it was only a colomn. Then, karma wasn't a big deal and you could gain karma by posting a wallpost on other peoples wall or by updating a story. But, as fanfics and kpop grew, so much things have changed.

People began to care about karma and everything (like subscribers) and became more competitive.

I remember last April, when I came back from a Europe tour with my sister, suddenly, the layout of AFF had a complete and big change! The navigation bar at the top with all the different tab had changed and suddenly, there was a blog!

I still rememebered my very first blog on this site. 

I couldn't believe that AFF was starting to change already. And I felt like I didn't belong because it was changing and it became so unfamiliar. 

And then Nichi began to add more and more features into AFF. No complaints or anything because I know he just wants AFF to be the best and it definitely IS the best. 

Poll came along, Chat came along, Video came along and just like that, everything on AFF became so high tech. AFF is a fast growing community with over 30, 000 users I think. But just like the number of users that are entering this awesome community, many are leaving too. Some left because they were getting bashed. AngelWithoutWings, Kana120, BubbleTeaLove...PoshTeen too...lyricallies {she didnt leave~! false info~ [although to me it feels like shes left =  = ]}...I miss them. 

Now, you can change your username easily by loosing 100 karma points and your number of karma, subscribers and friends are hidden from everyone one else (unless you choose to unhide your karma like I do because I have nothing to hide -- you can check it on the karma ranking anyways).

AFF is still the best fanfiction community there is on the internet and that will never change in my heart. I just wish that it wasn't changing to rapidly...

Now that I think about it, I was probably happy with the old AFF.


this blog credits go completely to puppysaur who reminded me of the old AFF with her second blog. 


Miss you, old AFF




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I wish I was around for the old AFF. It sounds pretty cool :o. Btw, I just randomly stumbled onto this blog. Don't mind me LMAO.
Yah!!talking bout me behind my back huhs?xD sooooo swee T.T
and lastly, edit the 'lyricallies has left' cause she didn't LOL and people r getting confused XD
yeah agree with u like i told u in the mail, i miss aff too ^^<br />
and one last thing lyricallies didn't leave aff or i would have killed her XD she's just on hiatus ^^ plus she's updating her fics slowly so i don't think she left or she would have told me =.=<br />
but yeah like u said, many new users but some r leaving too and i absolutely understand their reasons since i almost left aff too lol i just stayed for my readers since i know i can reach my friends with others sites XD but i'll miss chatting with them here >.<<br />
and i was here since more than a year now XD and yeah now ure making me think of it, aff was way more simple before, i like all the changes since they're useful even the blogs when someone is going on hiatus.. like that the person doesn't need to drop by everyone's profile.. XD<br />
but i think it depends of how ure using the changes ^^<br />
and for the competition, u already know my opinion about it XD just s can compete between each others or maybe they're bored? LOL
marshielisa12 #5
"Back when I was a little girl, milk was only 5c! Women did not go to school! AND THEY MOST DEFINATELY DID NOT FANGIRL ABOUT SUPER JUNIOR!"
Same here<br />
I came back one day to find it completely changed O.O.<br />
Lycralilies unnie left?? o.o??
omg... thats true^^ good old times... I remember about the karma, and things about subcribers, profile views and 'competition' a lot of things has changed to be fair.
Insanity #8
Kana120..., I miss her. :c<br />
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