I'm kinda sick of it... and even if i say it it doesnt change t.T


Just a quick post to say....



Why don't you comment anymore? You know what, i prefer to have only 10 subcribers and all of them comment than almost 50 and just 2 or 3 comment.

Everybody was so excited for the next "Why Did I Fall In Love With You" chapter but only 1 person commented. That's why I won't be posting it for a while, I have no more inspiration.


I'm writing a new fanfic "Will You Marry Me". I'm really excited about it, so please tell me what you think of it!


I'll start exams next week. I didnt study a thing these vacations, i feel bad D:

Il study in New Year's and so on... wish me luck!





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I know, right? :( no one comments mine either... guess I'll have to work harder! :D
And good luck to your exams next week!