My Experience Being In the Hospital

Hi guys, this is sortof a continuation of My Depression Throught the Years.

At the age of 18, my depression had gotten so bad that my old pshychiatrist checked me into the hospital. This was the worst experience of my life. When I first checked in things weren't so bad, but then my parents had to leave and it was really hard being in an environment that you aren't used to when you're all by yourself. Things started off weird, this boy came and was being a little too friendly. Either he was hitting on me or that's just his personality, but it was a little weird for me either way. 

During my time in the hospital, there wasn't a soul that I could talk to and relate to. I ended up eating at a table with an old man who seemed really nice and made me feel comfortable for the first time since I was checked in. All I wanted to do was go home, and it was only the first day. I remember I cried alot during the night cause I missed my family so much.

I remember that there was this one old lady who made me feel really uncomfortable. She would constantly say that I was flirting with everyone there in the hospital. She even thought that I was trying to steal her 'boyfriend' and ended up yelling at me. Just cause I was sitting with this one guy that I guess she liked, even though she had a husband.

Let's just say that after that, I tried my best to avoid her, and I never sat with that guy again.

The nights were lonely as were the days. It was like hell for me. I mean, sure, I finally had my own bathroom, but it was still really lonely. My Aunt and cousin came once to take me out for dinner and my family would come to visit as often as they could, until my of a phsychiatrist told my parents that they weren't allowed to come and visit me.

At that time I felt like everything was being taken away from me. My family, my life, my friends, and my babies back home (My pets). 

The one day that made me the happiest though, was when my best friend Emory came to visit along with my family and my puppy at the time named Hurley. I had so much fun that day, but unfortunately it couldn't last forever and they eventually had to go home.

Almost half of the week had gone by and Christmas was coming. We were decorating the hospital to make it more homie. That was probably the most fun I had while in the hospital.

Once the week was done, I made the decision that I wanted to go home. People tried to persuade me to stay as it was what was best for me, but me being, well, me, I was stubborn and got my wish to go home. Things were just too uncomfortable for me there, and all I wanted was to be with my little sister again and of course the rest of my family.

After quite some time, I finally got a new phsychiatrist who wasn't an and actually knew what he was doing, and now I'm going to see a social worker regularly as well as my phsychiatrist and I'm finally in a place where I can take care of myself and be happy. It's all thanks to my family, my friends, my phsychiatrist, my social workers, and you guys that I can smile again and mean it. I love you guys. You've brought so much joy into my life and I cherish each and every one of you.  

xoxo Christine xoxo


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MyeolchiHyuk #2
sorry to hear that from euu... hope things will be better and have bright side of it for euu okies..

euu r strong my dear..

Awww<3. I'm so sorry that you had to go through that. I hope that things are going better for you, and if you want to talk, just stop by and PM me. I WILL listen<3. Saranghae!!!
moonlightangel77 #4
Good thing u hav a better psychiatrist! Hwaiting! :)
You're so strong, I admire that. I love you unnie :)
PeekyDoll #6
I wish you all good things in life. Depression is really a hard matter. I got really close to it, and I was lucky I could get a grip of myself before everything crumbled. You've gone through a hard time. Never stop fighting.
And remember.
Be happy :)
tae1810 #7
wow,Okay.. idk what to say but I wish the best for you (: