After all the damage you want me to forgive you..

Thanks a lot dad.Now you see that I'm a person too.
You wanted a son and you raised me treating me like a boy.
Now you want me to be a girl but this is the result,this is what you did to me.
I've never been a normal girl and you want be to be one.
You want me to give up on the things you wanted me to do.
You want me to forget this part of my life when I did everything just to get your attention on me.
You always scold me for doing the things I like and you wanted me to do the things I hate

You are the reason I'm like this...that's why we left you and that's why I hate you till this day.You may said yes to my relationship with a girl but I'll never forgive you for torturing me and turning me into the monster you call me now

Thanks for everything dad..I hate you


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Hate to be inconsiderate at this time, you know, since you're seeking comfort and solace, but don't you think 'hate' is too harsh of a word? Whatever your dad has done, it can't have been that bad. He's still your dad after all; he gave birth to you and raised you in your childhood. Perhaps temporary hate, yes, but not eternal hate, I think.
I hate your dad too
Hey hey what happened sweetei?