That's it i'm not graduating :DDDD

Ok it's the time of the year when in one week i'm going to die . IT'S TIME FOR THE EXAMS !!!!!!

So imagine this you've been a hardworking student during the whole year and since 6 in the morning you are LOST. That's right tomorrow is my literature exam (the most important) and I don't know that to do. I have 4 topics for essay plus the rest of the . AND I'M STILL ON THE SECOND ONE.

On the other hand my sister keeps calling me to watch over the devil child and soon I'm about to throw empty bottles of cider and cans from energy drinks. Seriously I have 3 weeks left and this is it for this year.

Exam week is gonna be tough so wish me luck !















And let me tell you the news I'M GETTING MARRIED :3 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! jk not for real


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The last part made me shocked but you're a prankster :3
yulhyunkrystal #2
Good luck! XD
I have my finals next week too!
I almost beleived that you were getting married :3 what a fool of me -.-