New Story blurbs!!

So for those of you who were interested in the whole 'new story' thing, I'm going to link this post from the poll so you can read each story I've got for you~ c: There's three, so here we goooooo~


Through The Screen


Mia Kim is a popular vlogger living in Washington, and happens to do reactions and rants to popular k-entertainment events. She's done a few on EXO, and is invited to be a video chat guest on After School Club, getting the chance to talk to the popular boy group. They take interest and look into her, eventually befriending her. Especially a certain Happy Virus... But do long distance relationships work out?


Baby Mine


Lee Taemin is a well known second year in college, belonging to a group of good looking boys and they know how to have a good time. Choi Suyeon is a first year, and she's already known around the school. Why? Because she has a four year old baby boy named Hyeonwoo, and the rumors surronding her odd circumstance circles round to him. But what really is the truth with Suyeon? Curiosity leads him closer than what he intended. 


Found You


When Song Iseul, a hippie photographer for a well known nature/wildlife magazine, gets what she believes is the opportunity of a lifetime; she doesn't hesitate to move to a town in the middle of nowhere to get the best photos she's ever taken. Then she meets Zhang Yixing and his brothers, who are the guides of the forests of the area. But they aren't always what they seem, and Yixing doesn't seem to want to ever leave her alone. So what's his deal? What's the entire groups deal? She's about to find out.


Soooo yeah! Please, answer the poll, and the other stories will ((hopefully)) be updated soon~ Thank you all c:




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