The School of Difference app~


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face claim face claim face claim
Ji Yoonha

Joy/ Marshmallowkittie12 / 4/5


Yoonie/ Her family calls her that, shotening of her name.
  Jiji / Her friends call her that since her last name is short. It's also cute.

AGE ) 18

BIRTHDAY ) June 17

BIRTH PLACE ) Busan, South Korea

HOMETOWN ) Busan, South Korea




Korean / fluent / She is Korean keke

FACE CLAIM ) Park Seulki




APPEARANCE )  She is normal looking, but whenever she uses her power or get's into the water her skin and eyes change. Her skin start to form scales and gills allowing her to breath in the water. Her eyes changes into a teal blue/greenish color but change back when she is normal again. She also has a strand of aquamarine highlights in her hair since birth.

STYLE ) She doesn't dress special whatsoever. She is the type to wear what ever is left in her closet. She is usually seen in a slim t-shirt and skinny jeans with a pair of sneakers. Also always wearing her glasses, she never takes them off. Only in the water will she take them off.





PERSONALITY ) Yoonha is very reserved person. She doens't express herself much, and when she does it's in the form of writing. Either in Music or Poems will she be expressive. She doesn't have many friends and doesn't have a close friend. She would love to have a friend but her shy personality causes her to isolate herself from others. Once she has a friend though, she will be very loyal to them and will have their back. She is also a bit of a bookworm herself and is a bit of a braniac but is only an average student. 


Yoonha is also athletic, thanks to her superior swimming. She has the speed in her legs and strength in her arms, making her the fastest swimmer in the school. Since she doesn't have many friends you will most likely see her in the swimming pool training. Everyday during their break or after school she will be practicing her swimming when she really doesn't have to. The water is her only safe haven so she have a day when she isn't in it. 


Yoonha also doens't use her powers often, unless she is told to practice it or is in a dire emergency. She personally doesn't have a reason to use them beside for self defense. She thinks that manual work is the best way to solve a problem. It helps you grow more into a stronger person being able to overcome an obstacle on your own.


PAST ) Yoonha was raised normally even though she wasn't. Her family moved to the coast of Korea so they could atleast be near their element. Her family consists of her parents and 2 older protective brothers. Her brothers were her everthing and they treated her the same. The oldest was 4 years older while the other was 2. She was spoiled at young but she still had manners which her family had taught her. She grew up rowdy household but her and her father were both reserved people. Her mother and brothers were the one who kept the household alive. Whenever she comes home from school or swim there was never a silet time there. Yoonha and her father were close, making her reserved just like him. She would spend time in his home office with him in her free time and just draw or write things. As Yoonha grew older her family became quieter and quieter. Her brothers were going to college and she was left alone. Her mother was still at home but she also had more and more work to do after getting promoted with her job. Her father was the same just quiet as always but he spent most of his time now in his home office. Her parents didn't like how she was always alone now that her brothers left and decided that she should go somewhere where people are like her and maybe can have something in common.

PRESENT ) Yoonha doesn't do much but go to school, study, swim, then go back home. She lives in the dorm at Ammo High but visits time to time to her hometown. She also goes to the near by cafe and gets some relax time there after her swimming or her daily things. 


  • She is talented in the arts, be it Music, Art, Writing
  • She is the kind of wallflower type of girl, but inside she wants to strip that title and be social
  • She has never been in a romantic relationship before
  • She wears this pearls bracelet to remind her of her family and hometown, her brothers wear this too




Father / Ji Sunghoon / 48 / He has the same personality as Yoonha but has this childish side for his wife abd she is the only on who is able to see it beside his family.
Mother / Ji Mae Ri / 46 / A bright and playful mother. She likes to joke around with her family and have fun times. She would be seen most likely doing house work or talking to her husband or kids.
Brother / Ji Dong Wook / 22 / Protective of his loved ones and will do anything for them. He is bit of a jokester like his mother but has a reserved side like his father. He is currently in university majoring in medicine.
Brother / Ji Hae Jin / 20 / Protective also but is more light hearted than his brother. He is the main jokester in the family even more so than his mother. He would be seen either playing video games or taking car of his car. He is not in university yet but has a job in Car Maintenence.
She is very close to her whole family.



➳ Friend / Do Seo Won / 19  / Social and outgoing, he is very sweet and understanding. He likes to swim and play sports.



replace the first image below with your love interest, the second with your first back up, and the third with your second back up. delete this note when you're done!

face claim  face claim
Do Seo Won (Lee Dong Hoon)

L.Joe / Kim Young Bin


SUMMARY ) Do Seo Won is an Air creature and is the captain of the Soccer team. The reason why he is friends with Yoonha is because they are both captains of sprts teams and they are both in the same class. He has kept an eye on her for sometime now and she never has noticed him. He is her only friend and she is thankful for that, but they aren't that close yet....hint yet.

FIRST MEETING ) Yoonha has first arrived at the school and she knew which place she would want to visit, and that was the swimming pool. She followed the map and went to the swimming pool happily. She shyly opened the door and walked in not knowing there was a person there, and that person being Seo won. She tooks her shoes and socks off and sat on the edge of the pool kicking her feet into the water. She giggled feeliong the water on her feet and Seo won carefully watched her the whole time not bothering her. She never noticed him but boy did he notice her. He smiled watching her interact with the water. He had no idea who she was but he knew that they would meet again and he has kept an eye on her ever since.

RELATIONSHIP ) Yoonha being the shy girl she is, she doesn't talk much to Seo won. But they do talk which os a plus for Seo won and her. They became friends after Seo won introduced himself to her on the first day of school when they found out they were in the same class together. She was happy that he was the one to speak to her first and she was thankful that he has stuck by her side ever since. Seo won being the out going guy he is likes skin ship. So whenever they are together he would wrap an arm around her shoulder or give her a surprise side hug ect. She always ends up blushing at the contact, but she never said she never liked it. People around the school think that they have something going on betweetn them, but most of the female population are against it. Most likely because he is the jock that everyone looks up too.

CONCLUSION ) After getting closer and closer as friends Seo won wants to confess to her before he gets friendzoned. So on the last day of school before summer break, he finally had the guts to tell her that he liked her. She was just walking in the hallway to her locker thinking this was just a normal day, but once she arrived at her locker she noticed a post it not on her locker. She took it off and read it saying that she was to go to the art room. She goes and she finds a picture of her on the board with a heart around it and another post it note. Then it read that she needs to go to the music room. She arrives and then she hears the choir singing a love song and then Seo won's friends began giving her flowers in the middle of the song and then once it ended she was giving another post it saying she was to go to the swimming pool. When she arrived it was pitch dark and all she could see was the illuminating waters of the pool. She smiles and stays still and notices that there was flowers floating on the water. She looked up and sees Seo won standing on the top of the bleachers. He was holding a rose and a box. He walked down the steps and arrived infront of her holding out the rose and box. He then kneeled on one knee and said. "Ji Yoonha, would you give me the homor of being your boyfriend." He then showed the ring that was hidden in the box. Yoonha agrees almost instantly and they share a hug. THen they live happily ever after keke.





HOW IS LIFE LIKE AT AMMO HIGH? ) It was one of the most enjoyable moments of my life. I met so many new people and people I can call friends. But most of all I met a person that changed my life ^^

DO YOU THINK YOUR A OUTSIDER OR A INSIDER? ) I'm a bit of an outsider but with a certain person I can be whoever I want. 

DO YOU ENJOY WHAT YOU ARE / DO YOU ENJOY YOUR POWER ) Of course I enjoy being a water creature. I love the water and everything about it. Swimming is my passion and it allows me to be free. And with my powers well I don't use it often but it is beautiful and amazing every time I use it.



FAMOUS LAST WORDS )Could you ley Yoonha have more friends here? Let her come out of her shell ^^

SCENE SUGGESTIONS ) Have some YooWon moments Juseyo~ or any moment she could have that makes her closer to any other character.




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