Maybe I should break the ice ? Dok2 0_0

Maybe I was little harsh on the girl yesterday...Actually it turned out that she wanted to be friends with me because she found out that we are in the same situation.She just wanted to get close to me because she moved too and she knows the feeling..

The others didn't warn her that I'm cold and i usually don't get along easy with new people and that's why she didn't expect me to push her away..I think I should break the ice this time and try to be nice? I'm kinda upset and I asked her out to walk around tomorrow because I'm still not used to this town,this country and I still have little problem with the language :D

BTW I was shocked

 YOU WUT M8 ? Dok2 and Nicole are cousins? LOL BRO..

I'm out of JAMS


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Well then go be friends with her
That is a good idea sweetei I know u can be cold but mayb u can be bff
Oh poor girl.
Well good decision there. You are making the right choice *thumbs up*