〈♚♕〉 ❝ a dangerous fairytale ❞ 「Han Seong Ki ♚ The farie 」




Han Seong Ki
Krissy / Jewel_ELF /. 5 // Yes
NICKNAMES. — list each on a new line and explain who calls them it and how they got it. copy and paste the format below for as many as you need.
( ♚ — Chante-peta; ) Her grandmother still remembered some of the old language and Chante-peta ment fire heart
( ♚ — Nix; ) Other fey started calling her that when she refused to tell them her name. She is the phoenix. Nix comes from phoenix

AGE — 21
BIRTHDAY — August 9

BIRTH PLACE — The Kingdom of Ingnis 

ETHNICITY — goes here. they must be some type of asian. 
♚ — Korean;  fluent / Mother language
♚ — English;  fluent / Grandmother taught it to her. She didnt want the language to die
— hide your APPEARANCE.
FACE CLAIM — Unicorn BACK UP FACE CLAIM — Jerica Gen Daghoy

APPEARANCE — She has short pointed ears, but can hide them easily. She has wings, but they arent visible all the time. They usually hide on their own.  Not only with her hair, but with the slight magic she has. She is 176 cm tall and weighs 56 kg. When the pheonix is out, her eyes change from the normal brown. On the lower left side of her back, almost at her waist, she has a mark. Its a few shades darker than her skin and usualy warm to the touch.

STYLE — Nix usually wears either earth tones or a shade of red. She doesnt like having to wear shoes or suffocating clothing. When she needs to dress up(like for a ball) she still would have that earth tone, graceful look about her. Pants arent really her thing. She really like dessing nicely. She doesnt like slouchy clothes

— hide your ABILITIES.
PLOTLINE — The farie
TYPE —    Fire
SPECIAL POWERS — Pheonix, heat resistance, flight

— hide yourSELF.
♚ Quiet
♚ Kind. 
♚ Shy
♚ Distrustful
♚ Awkward
♚ Discuragible

TELL ME MORE — Nix is such a kind soul. She believes the best in everyone and will stick to that belief. She does her best not to judge any one for any thing until she experiances that personally. She also is not the kind of person to go up and talk to a stranger. Randomly she will have her bouts of curage, but not very often. If she can manage, she wont let the people around her see her emotions. They dont need to know nore wuld they care. Its just better to keep them to herself. She doesnt like up to people. It makes it seem like she needs them to like her and she doesnt need that
There are few people Nix trusts completly. She has been burned too many times(pun inteneded). If it happens again, she might fall apart and she cant fall apart. She is the sort of clumsy/awkward that some people can manage to pull off. She does, but doesnt see it. It doesnt take much to discurage her. She is down on herself often

— hide your HISTORY.

PAST — Nix remembers her parents all too well and their death. They used to live in the barren lands, but managed to get a carrier to bring them into the Kingdom of Ingnis. Nix was five at the time, but she still remembers everything. They couldnt bring much, but they brought enough. Nix was hidden in the under side of a cart piled with furs for the royal family of Ingnis. The carrier had brought hundreds over and four more would be no problem. Thats what he said. The carts were stopped and a search was started. Nix's parents were found and they caused enough of a distraction so the Nix and her grandmother could get away. They were in the Kingdom of Ingnis, so they staid in the woods. 
They came across a band of magiks and stuck with them. One of the fae tried to teach Nix to control her powers, but she was terrible at it. Flying was about the only thing she managed. On her twelfth birthday, her wings appeared and she found what she was missing. When she flew, nothing could touch her. It was just her and the sky. Things just made sence, but when she landed again nothing made sence. 
One night there was a night raid on their camp. Nix(who was fourteen at the time), her grandmother and a shifter escaped. Later they found that a warlock ratted them out in hopes for sanctuary. He was excicuted with the others. The three stuck to the deepest parts of the woods, hrdly ever going to see other people. It didnt take long for the shifter to turn on them though. He tried to take Nix away from her grandmother and when he did, she him. 
The Pheonix reacted to her emotions. It struck out against him and killed him. He was like family to her though. Her grandmother was injured in the scuffle and died a few weeks later. Sixteen year old Nix was forced to move down to the nearest town and interact with humans for the first time. She covered her ears and her wings dissapeared so she looked normal. 
She managed to find a job and a small, but very nice house. She lived with two others. A year after being there, she started in a relationship with one of the people she lived with. He convinced her that they should run away together. They packed up everything they had and he said he was going to hail a carriage. She waited, and waited and waited. It took her all too long to realise that he left with everything she owned. She never saw him again. 
Nix still wanted to run away. The capital city was calling her name. She left the small, outskirt town and never looked back. When she got there, she was in for the largest surprise of her life. There was so much going on. Partying, ion, fighting, you name it and it was probably happening. She was overwhelmed and literally ran into her new employer. 
A tough looking woman with thick skin and a big heart took her in. She made Nix work pull her own weight, but she was fine with it. The woman was a jeweler, so now so was Nix. 

PRESENT — A little apartment over the shop where she works is her home now. It has four rooms and they are all hers. She tried to practice in secret, but her skills never really grew. She works almost every day, but its easy work to her. She delivers things often and she stays away from most people.  
Nix doesnt know, but the woman, Kang Do Young, she knows what Nix is. Do Young is a shifter though, so she would never tell a soul. Nix doesnt know about Do Young. She turns into a dog
Nix does everything she can to avoide the kind of people who only are around to have a good time and the mafia. She deals with them more though. They really like the jewelry she makes and buys it often. 

OCCUPATION — Nix has been working as a jewler for four years, so she is rather skilled with her hands. Do Young often leaves Nix in charge of the shop. They have the best jewelry in the kingdom, so that is not a small thing. 
She physically manipulates the metal and stones. The metal has to be super heated to get the flawless shine it has and the heat doesnt bother Nix at all. She sometimes(not always) can manipulate herself to make the heat come from her.

— hide your SECRETS. 

♚ The quiet 
♚ Books
♚ When the Pheonix answers her
♚ When the people make music
♚ Looking nice
♚ Feeling safe and protected



♚ Fears being discovered. She has seen what happens to magik that gets discovered and she does not want that to happen to her
♚ Dislikes large crowds of intimidating people
♚ Fears some of the people around her. Those who have the power to hurt her. i.e. 67% of the mafia
♚ Dislikes being the center of attention. She will usually slip and fall when she does

♚ Dislikes when the Pheonix doesnt respond to her. She thinks its because he doesnt want her
♚ Dislikes thunderstorms


♚ Going to the outer forrest and flying. There is nothing like it in the world.
♚ Making jewelry. It makes her feel normal and when people like what she makes it makes her feel like she does things right
♚ When she is alone, she will lock the doors and windows and let her wings out. Some times she will fly around the room, but its just enough to strech her muscles
♚ Reading. She only has a few books, but she reads them all the time. She has the stories memorised, but that doesnt matter. 


♚ She kicks people in her sleep. Do Young had many bruises from Nix when she first moved in
♚ When she gets really scared her fingers get hot. The Pheonix is ready to come out if he needs to
♚ If the street people are playing music and she is alone, she will dance. Its usually fae dances, but still dances
♚ When she gets tired, she will put her head in her hand or lean on someone and slip in and out of conscietiousness


♚ When the pheonix is present, her eyes change
♚ White is her favorite color
♚ She has gotten so accustomed to hiding her ears that it feels weird to have them showing
♚ When Do Young is in her other form(which is often) Nix will love on her and give her treats. She thinks Do Young doesnt know about her doting on the dog

♚ Nix wants to learn to play the Fae Pipes
♚ Some of her favorite peices    
♚ She has made jewelry for every kingdom
♚ She has neer had cake
♚ She doesnt like wearing shoes
♚ She is afraid of horses



— hide the ones you LOVE.

FRIENDS — this section is for your character's friends, bffs, or bfflads, and only those! if your character has enemies, rivals, acquaintances, ex-boyfriends/girlfriends, etc., that goes below. and also like above, only write the people necessary. the max. is three unless otherwise requested. it is definitely fine if you add another applicant as your friend. animals are allowed. 
Boss/'family' / Kang Do Young / 54 / Do Young is a hard, strong woman who you couldnt convince to do anything she didnt want to do. She is very independent, but has a soft spot not many people can find
♚ Freind / Baek Hee Dong / 19 / He is a sweet kid who pretends not to see anything. He is eager to start his life, but he probably isnt going to go anywhere. 

Neigbors / Shin Kang Young / 22 / She and Nix hate each other. They were 'friends' years ago, but now they are not at all. When they see each other bad things happen. Kang Young does everything she can to ruin Nix.


— find your LOVER.

THE PRINCE OF... — Ignis.  


( ♚ — Kris; ) It is his underground name that is slowly making its way above ground. He didnt want to use Yi Fan in the mafia, so he created Kris
( ♚ — Dragon leader; ) Like a dragon, he will cut down anyone who stands against him
( ♚ — Fan Fan; ) His mother used to call him that when he was younger. The name held a sort of innocence and softness about it


SUMMARY — Kris's ego doesnt even fit in the room. He is used to people up to him and when people dont it bothers him, a lot. He is ruthless too. Its best not to get on his bad side because your life would be a living hell. If you piss him off you better just leave. Your life here is over. He can be rude, blunt and overly cocky. He has good looks and he knows it. 
Regardless of his bad parts, Yi Fan is an amasing leader. Possibly the best in all the kingdoms. He knows just how far to strech the bounds to mke the kingdom be the best it can be. He is a great leader, no matter what people say. He does have the kingdoms best intrest at heart...most of the time. 
Part of him is still that Fan Fan he used to be. He never wanted to stop being that sweet little boy who looked at everything optomistically. He needs someone to find that side of him again. 
— find your FUTURE.
FIRST MEETING — Nix was going on a delivery. She was on her last stop of the night and it happened to be one for the mafia. She hated these stops because they scared her. Only way to say it. She was scared. Once she got inside she offered them the necklace and they took it. They told her to wait for them to get the payment, but when they came back they didnt have the money, just more people. They tried to hurt her(in the way you would think), but someone stopped them. Nix felt an arm wrap around her waist and pull her away from everyone. They all stopped and staired. Kris told her to leave, now. Just as she left she glanced back to see him killing the one who said he was going to get the money. 

CURRENT RELATIONSHIP STATUS — awkward pieces of loaves
RELATIONSHIP — Nix saw the bad parts of him, but she also sees the good in him. She never wanted to end up liking him, but any chance she got to get a glance of him she did. She started to appreciate everything about how he looked and she noticed the little things he did. He would stop to throw coins to the abandoned children on the street or to help the ones who were being tormented. Once he saw a group of boys beating a dog and he disbanded them instantly. The dog was taken to the palace and supposidly is now his pet.
Kris notices Nix too. He notices how she tries to not be seen, but everyone notices her. He tries to do things to gain her affection, but they neve seem to work. He displays his catches, his wealth and his looks, but nothing works. It is everythin he can do to not hunt her down. He wants her to come to him. 

SECRET CONCLUSION — After the ball, they start seeing eachother. Often. They try to not let people see them, but some do. Slowly, Nix is changing him. She makes Fan Fan come back. He still is the Dragon leader, but he isnt as harsh. She is bring out the best in him and he is letting her. 
When she goes off on her trip to the outer woods, he follows her. He wants to ask to formally court her, basically ask her to marry him, but he sees her pheonix. The pheonix freaks out and tries to protect Nix, but she backs him down. Yi Fan is baffled and takes her back to the palace right away. He drops her in the prison, but doesnt order her exicution. He cant. 
He comes down to her cell, orders the guards away and breaks down in front of her. He doesnt know what to  do, but he leats her out and tries to continue on with their live. Her back in her shop and him in the palace 
He comes back and tells her he will keep her secret. They start over, clean slate. Part of him hates her, but part of her still loves her. They may get back together, or their romance may have just been a thing of the past. 

— give me an ANSWER. 
HOW ARE YOU DEFENDING YOUR SECRET? — I try to never use it when there is any one around. What if they see me? What if they report me? I... But there is nothing like it. The pheonix is a part of me, I shouldnt have to hide all the time. 
I just cant use it around anyone. Thats why I go to the outer woods. I feel like im behind enemy lines all the time

WHAT WILL YOU DO IF PEOPLE FIND OUT WHO YOU REALLY ARE? — If anyone found out I would try to get away. I think I have it better off than some. I could just take off and return to the barren lands(sobs). Other dont have the same chances as me. I can run, they cant.....
No body can find out. They just cant...

— live in the PRESENT.
FAMOUS LAST WORDS — The Peonix will answer to her, he is just waiting until he thinks she is ready. If she really needs him then he will show up. 

SCENE SUGGESTIONS — Some time when Nix is in the outer forrest practicing and she manages to conhure the Pheonix, but its not full. Its tiny and adorible, a baby pheonix. Someone sees it and giggles at it. The pheonix hears it and dissapates.

PASSWORDSuper Junior
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