Chad Futute?

I bumbed into this singer who's name is Chad Future.Who is he anyway? I saw his songs with Aron from NU'EST and Ravi from Vixx..Actually the song with Ravi remind me of B.A.P.'s Warrior..but it's good to be homest

Oh and tomorrow is Hell and my friends are crying like there's no tomorrow cuz school starts and we are like "But yesterday was July!" soo..wish me luck in my new school :3


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Can't help you with the guy cuz I know about as much as you do (or maybe even less)

What's hell day? Start of school?
Chad's the first ever American Kpop singer. His fans, the Time Travellers are pretty awesome to be around with. He doesn't rap or sing much Korean but he's learning and improving. He's pretty insparational really, being the first in what he's doing and bringing korean into american pop culture and vice versa. He started out by making english remix covers of Korean songs and look where he is now. Up to you to decide whether to like him or not. I still think he has a long way to go and can still improved tremendously but He has my support.
chad future is this guy who says that he does american kpop I think... He don't really speak korean or rap in korean most of the time, a phrase or two at most I think. I don't really like his songs.
EriKa_14 #5
Good Luck!! :)
Good luck buddy