Sica unnie and Tyler Kwon are WHAT?!?!?!??!


Because we are talking about my favorite girl,who is awesome in batman ,sing le beautiful and has awesome fashio taste is with TYLER KWON? idk how to react but whatever it happens i'll still jump around when i see her beautiful face


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I trust sica's choice.IF she really choose him then,well prepare for world war 3.
Lol I didn't even know who Tyler Kwon was
HAHHAHAHAH OH XD HAHA omg what happened to HK sumthng?! Lol.they're funny guys srsly
seriously ? i hope its not true eventhough i wanna she happy in her life :|
HK media is the pits. Remember that time when they also said that PSY and Yoona were dating? LOL.

Chinese media always stirs up something like that, just because Sica is actively promoting herself in the Chinese market.
The rumor started on a chinese website
I just say we wait for the official statement