ABC Quiz

I haven done a quiz in forever and I soooo want to momentarily forget about horrible things that have happened lately (R.I.P Rise and EunB T~T) soooooo I'm doing this quiz!! 


A - AVAILABLE:  very much single Im just at an age where I'm too old to be with a younger guy and if he was older he'd basically be considered a e *sighs*

B - BIRTHDAY:  January 30th 1997 ^^

C - CRUSHING ON: ....... Someone named Alex :3

D - DRINK YOU LAST HAD:  water~ it's a giant one liter bottle xD 

E - EASIEST PERSON(s) TO TALK TO:  BrittBrat and Fobe Unnie ^^

F - FAVORITE SONG/S:  right now it's start by SHINee

H - HOMETOWN:  Manchester, New Hampshire~

I - IN LOVE WITH:  Onew Oppa<3

J - JUGGLE:  can't (wait what kinda juggle does this mean?)

K - KILLED SOMEONE:  nope. wanted to? Yes... XD 

L - LONGEST CAR RIDE:   From Maine to Kentucky (OMG sooooo longgggg)



O - ONE WISH: sing a duet with Onew Oppa<3

P - PERSON YOU CALLED LAST:  my lil sister xD 

R - REASON TO SMILE:  because I'm alive~

S - SONG YOU LAST HEARD: start by SHINee xD 

T - TIME YOU WOKE UP:  .... 7:40 something am xD 

U - UNDERWEAR COLOR:  ..... For realzies? ..... Pink *ashamed of self*


W - WORST HABIT: laughing literally after everything I say >< I can't help it lol it just happens!

X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD:  .... Loooooots of ankles, my right arm, and my waist

Y - YOYOS ARE: the only thing Luhan knows how to write in English LOL

Z - ZODIAC SIGN: Aquarius Rat ^^


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