Praying for Ladies' Code

It really is a sad year in kpop with this tragedy, and although I didn't listen to them quite often, it really breaks my heart to hear about all that's happened. First EunB passed, and now, we pray for RiSe. I honestly cried when I heard the news of their untimely deaths, and I wish for a steady recovery from Ashley, Zuny, and Sojung, both physically, and emotionally. The trauma and the heartbreak they must be going through is honestly too much for me to possibly begin comprehending, so I won't say that I understand how they feel. 

It would be nice, if they could win a music show, just as EunB had always wished for, but I'm not going to request for that.

I'm going to request that people please be respectful to the fact that these girls have gone through so much. It's a terrible thing to happen, and when I'm on twitter looking through the tweets of people mourning the loss of a beautiful soul, I don't want to, nor expect to see someone tweet about BTS going to the funeral and how much you love them for it.

Two beautiful, young, talented people have just passed and people are more interested in the other idols who go to the funeral and how it "makes you love them more" because of it. 

I am literally crying at the moment because of the level of insensitivity that people are capable of. This isn't a time to talk about how happy it makes you to see your idols attending the funeral, because it makes them seem like better people. This is a time of mourning, a time where although I've barely even listened to the group, I still feel that incredible sadness in me. 

Imagine if it had been your favorite idol group that this had just occurred to, and as you are trying to mourn and send your condolencses, you see a post about how much someone loves another idol group more because they were kind enough to attend the funeral. 

It really is great that they attended the funeral, but it isn't about them. Its about the poor lives that were lost these past few days.

So please, I beg you, be respectful towards these people. They deserve so much more than faint recognition because someone went to their funeral. They deserve nothing but the upmost respect and sympathy. 


My condolences to Ashley, Zuny, and Sojung of Ladies' Code. 


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Amen to all of this. RIP Eunb and Rise, I'm sure there are in a better place
It really breaks my heart that their lives were cut short, I watch a video of Eunb answering questions one year ago and there was a segment she said "To my future boyfriend..." and "My ultimate goal for me and for Ladies Code" that just made me teary.
It would be nice if they could win a music show at least once, I read that knetizens got their song " I'm fine, thank you." to number one on the music charts which I think is really special and inspiring <3