Ladies' Code

Sad news that Rise is now with EunB. To say that I'm really surprised that Rise is gone is not entirely true. Listening to the reports that she's been unconscious over several days made me somewhat prepared for bad news but really hoping that she'll be okay. Honestly, I have only listened to Ladies Code a few times & not really a fan-fan, as in really into them (they have some good songs). This tragedy really brought focus to them but not for the reason anyone wanted, right?

Seeing the fans from across the K-Pop universe uniting in streaming their song till it reaches 1st place on several music charts soothens the shock. Made me happy that for of the fandom wars & whatnot, there is something that could put our differences aside & unite as one, even for a short while. Unity in tragedy? Is it true that you'll be famous only when you're dead? People will start appreciating something when they're gone? Something to think about.

Though the wounds will heal over time, they'll (Ladies' Code, their families, their fans) forever carry the scars around. Looking at this, I can only say that no one knows their future. Remember them always, for they're truly dead when they're forgotten.

In times of sadness, remember the good times that we have with our loved ones. Celebrate life wherever it may be, for death is easy, death is cheap but life is hard. Keep our spirits up, to brighten the lives of others who are troubled. 

Light shines brightest in the dark- In despair will hope emerge

Cry not for those who depart,

But comfort those with a broken heart,

For the dead find rest after a long quest,

And the living? Everything's a mess.


For Koreans, Chinese, Asians, I wish Happy Chuseok & Happy Mid-Autumn Festival. (Apologies if this offends anyone, with the sad mood & suddenly wishing happiness & all doesn't match each other or being disrespectful in any way to EunB & Rise)

#RIPEunB     #RIPRise    #Pray4LadiesCode


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So many sad tragedy happened this year. Our deepest condolences to Rise and Eunb family and friends. RIP Rise & EunB..