
The Rules:

1: Post the rules rule
2: Answer the questions the tagger asked, then make 11 new ones rule
3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post rule
4: Let them know you've tagged them
Tagged by eunshidae
  1. What is the greatest fanfic you've ever read? And why? (Kindly give me the link. I need a good read tonight.lol) Can't think of 'the greatest' right now..If you want, just let me know & I'll give you a list..hahaha
  2. What does AFF mean to you? And why are you here in the first place? A place to escape reality & to feed my fantasy..lol XD Gotta catch up on my bias' secret 2nd life LOLOLOL XD
  3. Explain love. Love, huh? Good question...You feel happy when you're with that person, thinking of the person....
  4. If you're a killer, how will you kill your bias? (please, no punching with the lips.my morbid sense is just thirsty for details.) As expected of you (the one who tagged me, you know who you are)...How do you want it? Quick, making it relatively painless as possible. Poor them, having crazy fans trying to kill them..tsk tsk T_T
  5. What's the first thing you do when you wake up? (except opening your eyes) Wake up, go to the toilet, walk back to bed & continue sleeping...Nahhhh, depends. Check my phone (messages/calls) or laptop (AFF updates)
  6. What do you do when you're sad? Sleep, listen to even more sad music (crazy huh?), anything to take my mind off the sadness. Music is just cause I'm in the mood (sad), not trying to make myself even more sad or anything.
  7. How do you explain a color to a blind person? How do we explain sound to a deaf person? I guess shades of black????
  8. Water, Air, Earth or Fire? Why? It'll be cool to shoot flames from my fingertips but I'm going for earth. Wouldn't it be awesome if you can make like your own house or anything in an instant?? Water (ice) will melt & I can't really stand the cold...
  9. What's the craziest thing you've ever done in your life? Did an assignment worth 50% of the entire grade in 2 days literally when I had 8 weeks to do it. Luckily I got kinda a good grade for that XD Never again!
  10. Have you dreamt of something inappropriate? Care to share? (byun mind on) Define inappropriate :P
  11. If given a chance to time travel, when and what will you do? Why? To the future! The past is the past, can't see anything I want to change or anything, yet. Let's see how the future me is doing. Good? No problem. Bad? TO THE PAST!


Tagged by lightwavesurfer

  1. Can you cook? What food can you cook? Yeah. Pasta (with the sauce), grilled chicken, steak, stew..that kinda thing.
  2. Do you have a deepest desire you wish to come true before the end of the year? Yessir! Not gonna happen though..maybe next year.
  3. Cat or dog? Why? Cats. Dunno, just like cats..
  4. A place you wish to see before you die? SM Entertainment?? Where the girls trained? haha..
  5. Fresh water or tea? Depends. Not really that fussy over water-tea thing.
  6. Opinion about overzealous fans who thinks their oppars/unnirs are 'flawless' human being? If it makes them be a b**** like "My bias is better than yours" kinda thing, chill down. If it's just their own opinion, go ahead. Just don't be whiny or 'in-your-face' kinda attitude, we'll be fine.
  7. Which do  you hate the most, traffic jam or black out? Traffic jams? That's a daily thing. Blackout? That's another thing so blackout it is...
  8. What will you do if you have to do 'Hunger Games / Battle Royale' against your bias? (Escaping together answer is prohibited.) Sorry girls, it's either you or me. Make it quick & painless as possible??
  9. Suggestions to make AFF a better place for you and I? No idea but for the AFF-ers, don't be a hater. Try to accept the differences of different people here & be nice. We're all here for a long time, try not to step on too many toes while you're here. Don't like something? Don't say anything or do it politely.
  10. Craziest thing you'd done when you're bored? Answering tagged questions! LOLOLOL XD
  11. Are you sleepy? Do you want to sleep? Sleepy? No but let's all sleep!


My random questions:

  1. What do you like/dislike about AFF?
  2. What do you like/dislike about K-Pop? (Just choose 1)
  3. Life's role model?
  4. Singer, actor, model, rich chaebol heir? Which one would you like to be?
  5. What/who got you into K-Pop?
  6. Water, Earth, Fire or Air? Why?
  7. Would you trade places with your bias, living a day in their life?
  8. What will you do if you have to do 'Hunger Games / Battle Royale' against your bias? (Escaping together answer is prohibited.)
  9. Suggestions to make AFF a better place for you and I?
  10. Craziest thing you'd done when you're bored?
  11. Which do you hate the most: black out on bias coverage (no news of your bias), late comebacks by your bias or money-grabbing record labels like the big 3? (Record labels: Focuses ONLY on money like charging you for everything: Full albums, mini albums, posters, merchandsise etc.)




lightwavesurfer, eunshidae, dookonglovestotoro, AFS937, rilakkuma95, taeboo, AwkwardChibi, LegendintheMaking, Escarlate, LoLo15, Kimchi_maerong

Even if you're tagged, don't want to do it? Up to you...Not tagged but want to do it? Go for it!!


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