It is really sad to hear that a korean idol is now gone from this planet :c

I didn't know Ladies Code that well but I really did love their music, it was so catchy but when I first watched them live on my TV the first person to catch my eyes was EunB. I will not claim I am a fan nor a fake fan, but mostly a supporter in the Kpop world.

I will admit, when I see news about other idols I don't feel that concern but more so concern for Ladies Code and EunB's family and friends.

We're all human and everyone should see that, even our idols are human they aren't robots. I really do pray for RiSe and SoJung for a recovery as well as EunB's family who is now suffering from a loss of their own daughter, sister, sister-in-law, niece, and granddaughter.

She is in a place with no pain but all us fans who aren't part of the Ladies code fandom will always support you and will have your back.

No joke should be played upon her death at a time like this cause this is a crutial time for everyone who has broken hearts.

#RIP EunB #fighting ladies code

as a starlight, inspirit, crown, LOVE and BOICE, my condolunce goes out to anyone who is affected by this.


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