Rant, ignore if you want I need to let it out

I'm so annoyed today was a pretty good day till after school.. I went to the pool with my little brother but he is autistic so he isn't like any normal kids. What really got on my nerves was the life guard went ahead and hit his head. Sisterly instinct kicked in and I ended up glaring at the life guard, going ahead and say stop touching each other when we were playing around.

I was beyond mad when he said that, swimming is an activity to have fun and just swim around not some serious sport that you do just cause there are 10 million classes!! I should of just yelled out to him to F off and pick on some one your own size. I wouldn't care if I get kicked out, some one lays a hand on my little brother your not gonna see a very happy older sister.

I feel like it is my fault but I feel like it isn't as well.. Yeah we were messing around but I was praising him and just hugging him saying how good he was doing. The other life guards didn't care about us but not this one. Once I saw him telling his friend and pointing at us. That crossed the line, I wanted to get out and push him in the pool for calling us out.

When I looked around the pool no one legit NO ONE even bothered us, they didn't find it weird that an older sister and younger brother are having a bond together. Is it even so wrong that I am bonding with my little brother and teaching him more stuff that I know about swimming and just hugging him cause he did a good job!?

What even annoyed me was another staff that my mom wanted to sign me up for swimming class cause I'm a little rusty cause it has been so long since I did swimming. Once she told me that the lady asked her saying "Can she go all the way to the other side?" When my mom said yes, she told me that the lady doubted that I can swim to the other side of the pool.

.. WTF!? Lady you don't even know me, you don't know how I swim and you are questioning my swimming abilities!? This whole county where I am, they are acting like snobby rich people!! Then again thats what this county is filled in with snobby rich kids who are too spoiled and don't even know what it is like OUTSIDE of their home town!!

I honestly hate this county so much, the stupid rich people here I want to go up and give them a good smack in the face. They need a reality check that you live outside of your oh so rich county and go to other countries with that high horse attitude, you will live in hell. My old school, rich people were treated like the lower class that is how you will be treated in that school.

Other places I don't know but I know that other countries I have been to before here, everyone was fine they weren't snobby they weren't rich by they were nobles which I didn't mind. But meeting rich kids I want to slap them off their high horse cause honestly what that life guard did was really uncalled for and I can tell he has never met an autistic kid in his life.

And that lady who was judging me but never met me, she needs slap on the face with words saying "don't judge a book by its cover" cause honestly judging me before you know my abilities is down right disrespectful..


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Girl, I hear you. Such an irritating and ruthless world we live in. Ugh. But 2 words: ignore ignorance.