What I Want in a Guy

Alright. I know this is wrong. I just started my first year in college and I'm already giving a damn about this stuff. Whenever I see couples in the university I always tend to wonder, when will I find the *sparks* thing? How will I know that it's sparks already? That's why I decided to create a list of what I want in a dude just in case I might find an answer to the problem I shouldn't be bothering lmao


1. I've always wanted someone whose not taking up the same course with mine. (I'm a Psychology major btw)

- I'm always looking forward for a guy who likes math. Idk. They're sooooo attracting.

2. (Physical appearance ok) I'm attracted to neat, tall, and fabulously scented dudes.

- Not to mention good looking. :--) Whenever I see someone who looks really neat I see them as good looking already. I like 'em tall because I sort of feel secured whenever I am with tall people. Dudes who smell really good are just huggable. *O*

3. Talented

Might be in sports, or music, or art. Someone who can play at least one instrument is a big yaaaas

4. Humble

He prolly knows he is handsome but he won't brag. He is intelligent but he won't emphasize it to everyone like hey I'm the class topnotcher  or smth (bc I really know ppl like that and they're annoying!)

5. Responsible

- And reliable. <3

6. Plays computer games, knows how to drink, says bad words

- But everything in control ok? I mean, I want my perfect guy to not be perfect. Don't want a saint tho. I don't want someone who smokes eww

7. Gentleman

- Would introduce himself to my family, would introduce me to his family, and respects me. I want someone who would accompany me home because I find that really sweet lmao. Someone who would understand me despite my PMSing. Someone who would comfort me in times I feel really down. Someone who will never get tired of me. Someone who would respect my kpop thingy (bc I ain't really looking for a fanboy boyfriend)

8. Sweet

- I love surprises! My favorite day is my birthday, and I'd really really love it if someone would let me feel like it's my birthday everyday. I'd love to receive morning messages too. I want to feel that I am loved.

9. Not-so-serious

- Because serious is boring. :p I'd like to argue with him, joke with him, have fun with him.

10. I want him to be him

I don't want him to pretend like the things I've told above when he isn't really like that. Same way I'd want someone to like me even at times when I  look like trash, have my face really oily, or smell really sweaty or smth.


So far, this is my standard for my "perfect boyfriend"

Welll, I'm not taking this in any hurry. It'd be better if I'll be able to meet him after I graduate. Or before maybe as long as he is willing to wait. Idk. Who knows? I might fall into someone who doesn't pass even 3 of the things I said (which I wish will be impossible)


Okay. Must be a random non-kpop thing we got here.

Thanks for reading!


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