Costume Help

Heeeyyy Star`s back! About the tag, I was gonna ask for help. Ik we are thinking a lot ahead of time but my friends and I were talking about our Halloween costumes and we decided to do exo`s growl theme costume; each person a different member. If you want to know which member I decided to be just comment and I'll tell you but that's not important.

So I'm gonna assume some of peoe reading this blog are exo fans correct? So you should know that the outfit exo wore during growl era was a school outfit. Now I've been looking for one for a while and I couldn't find one where you can buy online in america so, anyone who reqds this and knows where I can get one, plz help a fellow out and show me the link to where I can buy it online!! Plz do it quick as possible if you can because sometimes.shipping.takes forever. Thanks!

Luv ya'l






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hmmm.. I really don't know
Anyone planning on actually.commenting.instead.of just looking at At least say idk?