Heartcore | Chia | Main guitar, Vocalist

Kwon Chunhee, Chiaki
yamitan7 // miya // active rate (1-10)
» girl : Main guitar, vocalist
DATE OF BIRTH: 6 September 1993
AGE: 21
PLACE OF BIRTH: Paris, France
ETHNICTY: Korean-Japanese
HOMETOWN: Paris, France / Tokyo, Japan
LANGUAGE: French, Korean, Japanese
» Showtime
STAGE PERSONA: Androgynous Heartbreaker
POSITION: Main guitar, Vocalist
Tell me something i don't know
what is it about you that makes you you?

Chunki is one hell of a protective person. Ever since the birth of her younger sister, she has picked up the trait and applies it on anyone close to her. No one is free from that protective cage. There is also the 'easily jealous' trait of hers that her friends and family alike hates the most. If a friend starts talking with another person for too long, she'll start getting jealous and the same for if a family member talks with their friend too much when she's around. She is also a clueless person. It's very easy for people to talk about her behind her back without her noticing, much less un-friending these people. She's a naive person, really. Other than that, she has motherly qualities. Like naggy or fussy. She tends to nag the others when they don't clear their own things or clean their own dishes and fusses over them when they catch a cold, however minor. She's actually very warm, just that she looks cold and icy as hell. However, she isn't quite suited to have as a lover. Because, as mentioned earlier, she gets easily jealous, is protective as hell and mostly because she's so naive. Your idea of a romantic date will never come true with her as your partner because she's so clueless about everything. So she breaks hearts without even knowing.

» Background

Chunhee or Chiaki was born in Paris, 4 seconds older than her twin brother Shinki. The twins always had fights over their parent's attention and other things like toys had to be bought twice so that the twins didn't fight over them as well. That was until they were 3 whhen they had a younger sister, Sanhee or Shiro. They became like bodygaurds of her and they were very protective of her. Before Shiro started school, the family went to Japan because their maternal aunt was having a wedding and they ended up living there after missing a flight due to Shiro's stubborn antic. Having a weird accent while speaking japanese, Shiro got bullied and teased quite a lotant school and the twins became more protective of her. That was when Chunki started cross dressing. She started sporting a short hairstyle and often wore her brother's clothes out. All that just to appear tougher. When the twins were 16, the family moved to Korea because of their faternal grandmother's funeral and also ended up living there to take care of their faternal grandfather who used to live with his wife. One day, Shiro signed up for an audition. She had become quite smitten with the idea of having fans all over the world. She luckily got in but trainee life was nasty. There were many other trainees who picked on her because she didn't dance that well and again, her accent was funny. So the twins came into action again. They auditioned as a duet, Chunki with the guitar, and got into the same company mainly to protect their little sister. Later, Shiro quitted because she found it too difficult. But by that time, the twins were already focusing on debut and Shiro was no longer in their mind. 

Yay Or Nay
the traits that define you
» Likes
  • one: lightning ; it looks magnificent to her
  • two: tulips ; they are her role models, very resillient
  • three: summer rain ; it makes the earthly smell rise
  • four: skinship ; it reassures her a lot
  • five: watermelon; her favourite fruit
» Dislikes
  • one: roses ; what's likable about a flower with thorns?
  • two: bees and wasps ; dangerous stinger
  • three: needles ; just too pointy
  • four: summer ; its too hot
  • five: history ; her least favourite subject
» Fears
    • one: getting stung or poked by a needle or thorm
    • two: being left alon

» Hobbies
  • one: playing the guitar ; all thanks to Shirl
  • two: dancing ; it has always seemed cool for her
  • three: writing lyrics ; just random lyrics
  • four: playing basketball ; it helps with her height
  • five: cleaning ; it just helps
» Habits
  • one: just freezes when scared.. and she gets scared easily
  • two: rolling around before falling asleep
  • three: sleepwalking
  • four: touching her cheekbones when embarrassed
  • five: tearing up after yawning
» Trivia
  • one: Taller than Shinki at 179cm
  • two: Close friends with Amber
  • three: Have gotten into more fights than Shinki
  • four: Originally wanted to learn the drums
  • five: Likes to wear hoodiss
Look at me now
I'm all fashion and glamore
» Faceclaim
ULZZANG NAME: Park Young Hee
» Backup Faceclaim
what is love
we spend our lives searching for it
» the basics
LOVE INTEREST: Leader and main vocalist of Heartcore

In his app?


The fans are always so accurate. They are known as the parents of Heartcore and are widely shipped together by many of their fans.

thank you
just a few last notes
COMMENTS: hwaiting~! And btw, if the leader puts someone else as his love interest, Chia will just have no love interest -^^-
SUGGESTIONS: where the leader and Chia does some reverse fan-service like Chia carrying the leader or something.
SCENE REQUEST: Where Chia goes on and on about the younger members not doing their homework. 
layout designed and coded by flamzfox at Cerulean Themes


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