The Five-Worded Question

It's a given fact that life is indeed unfair. Everyone is created equally in the image and likeness of God, yet a lot of people are still getting more opportunities...better conditions...happier lives... Because of this, we can't deny that at one point in our lives...we ask ourselves...

"Why is life so unfair?"

I don't know.

I really don't. 

Even I have asked myself that five-worded question every now and then...

You know, I recently took an entrance exam for college. It's considered the exam that almost all graduating high school students will take because it's for the premier state university of my country. A lot of people said it was hard...some said it was challenging...a few said it was the easiest entrance exam out of the exams of the top four universities in my country (I call them geniuses).

Well, I took it... On August 17, 2014, I was part of the estimated 87,000 students taking the supposed "easiest exam". (Also the supposed easiest exam you'll ever take when you study in that university.) I'll admit it wasn't as hard as I expected it to be, but a lot of questions were confusing...some were supposedly easy...I just didn't know how to answer them. All in all, I think I did fine. Well, I don't know. I hope I will pass.

Anyway, the next day, we talked about the exam in my class, and I had a classmate, that was one of the best in our batch, who said that the whole exam was easy. Yes, EASY. Don't get me wrong. I don't hate her. She's my friend, but we're not that close; she's actually very friendly and nice. But yeah...

Some people prepare so much for that exam and still find it so difficult, while some others don't even put in the effort to study and breeze through the exam...

It's just one of those instances that make you question what's so wrong with our world...why life is the way it is...why life is unfair...

I don't know if you feel the way I do, but hey... It's an opinion.

Thanks for reading~ XD



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