I don't even know anymore

School is starting in two days.

I am not done with AP Homework.

I am having issues focusing.

My birthday is coming up.

Drama is coming up.

My crush may like me.

Family is fighting.

Tons of screaming.

Cannot focus.

Have to wake up early.

Insomniac nights still.

2 hours to 6 hours of sleep.

Cannot focus.

So much to do.

Still need to take my permit test.

Past my bedtime.

Cannot focus.


Papers and books everywhere.

Cannot focus.


Cannot focus.

Cannot focus.



Cannot do this anymore.


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"My crush may like me."
Hey, at least there's one positive thing on the list. If you seem to have so many things in mind, then drop everything for a few hours or even a whole day. Get outside or go to somewhere quiet. Relax your mind. Don't force or stress yourself too much. Happy early birthday! Get well soon and may your school year of 2014-2015 be a blast. Please do get more sleep. Listen to music, maybe that will calm you down a bit. I've been there at some point of my life so I totally understand what you are going through right now. Family problem is a pain.

From: A random stranger with lame advices and tried her best to cheer you up. ^^
And Happy GD day!

Remember: "When you hit bottom, the only way to go is up."