Storms, Interviews, and fanfics


  Being an author...Interview


 So what's new as a Fan fic writer?

   I have this story, it's a gang type story. When I first wrote it every boyband seemed to be going through the 'BAD BOY' concept. A few months ago I finally took it down from the website it was on. Now, I decided after I rewrote most of it, I would release it again. Of course under a new title 'REBEL'Mmmm I always have one word titles. It wasn't intentional, but now it's like "Whoa I have a theme." 

 It's not going to stay that way though. One day, I'll write a really really really good fanfic with a two word title. But until then, one word will do. 

Another thing is I love how the writer's here can create stories only between celebs....I almost wish I could do that. I can't though, somehow I feel that I can keep something fiction (and myself sane) if there's at least one made up character. 

 Will my stories always be in first person? 

 No. Noir, Blanc and Pan are in first person, sure, but the three other stories I haven't released yet; Jingle, Prince, and Rebel are in 3rd person. Technically it's balanced.

 Do you write about your bias more than you write about other k-stars?

 Yeah, like any normal fan. Although in Prince none of the guy's are my biases and so I'm doing tons of research through youtube vids, tweets, & fan cafes so that I can create a semi accurate (but also fiction) character for them. 

 Why'd you decide to write Blanc?

 -Sigh-. So I wrote Noir (Black). It was a story that I kept thinking about but never wrote. Although at the time it was drafted out it was never going to be a fan fic but when it became one I thought it'd be too dark or sad and no one would really want to read it. I was wrong.  Blanc (White) is the sequel to that. I never wanted to write a sequel but then I was having this dream about what would happen and then I gave in. The titles are parallel to each other like the main girls. Jean (noir) broke JiYong's heart so obviously Cassie (blanc) ........I'll stop there. Don't want to give too much away. 

 So I want to know more about Pan, like why you decided to do it and made Tinker Bell a guy?

 Ha. Pan was a last minute thought, but it was elaborated. It was one of those thoughts I had while taking a shower, but unlike most thoughts this one came together. It's obviously different than the original or even the remakes of Peter Pan, a little darker and modern. We follow a wannabe scientist named Em would finds herself in Neverland. Although unlike the Neverland most of us grew up with, this one is dangerous, cunning, and hard to get out of.  Also Tink became a guy when I decided this story was going to be a fan fic, simple.

 How many fan fic do you plan to make?

 Uh. Probably 18. Haha.  My plan is not to become a writer or anything, I do it out of pure boredom. A hobby, really. As much as I'd want people to like what I put out, I know that it's not going to work that way. Hey, if one person likes one of my stories I'm happy. So the 28 subscribers that liked Noir, 1 sub for Blanc, and the 3 subs for Pan are more than enough for me. I'm very happy with this success.







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