Maybe this will be my ending

So. Guys. I know that everyone has been here. Reading and supporting my fictions. So I guess it is about time that I announce this.

I will be retiring soon.

When? Well. When I finish my fictions of course.

I will be releasing 3 fictions. Namely:

  1. It's A Choice Between Love and Tradition
  2. Omnus
  3. UNNAMED FIC: In the making

After that I will continue and reedit my other fics that have been placed in draft mode.

Then however the pieces fall. That will be the end of my author-ing here in AFF. I will be going to Law school soon and it may be time to put away my trusted notebook and pen.

If my current fictions will call for a sequel. I shall do it. But to make a new fiction. Well. That is unlikely. It is fun being here. But I need to grow up at some point and own up to my soon to be future.

I love you all. And I hope you all support my fictions. :D


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lilith9999 #1
"It is fun being here. But I need to grow up at some point and own up to my soon to be future." But, growing up might give you new ideas...