Rant [ You can ignore ]

In all honesty, sometimes I just really hate how people don't upvote!!! I'm not super greedy or anything but I always wonder how I can have thousands of subscribers on a story yet only a hundred or so upvotes?!? Like...what? It just doesn't make any sense and usually I'm not concerned about it but having under 100 upvotes on this story that literally has a over 1,000 subbies is crazy!


Ugh. I'll just shut up. Just had to write that down to let off some steam...


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I think the reason why you have lots of subbies ..apart from the reason that ur stories are awesome and has really interesting titles..it's just that u set it in "subscribers-only" and not to be rude elle bby upvotes aren't everything..what really matters is the appre ciation and respect from ur subscribers. There's one time i commented on one story..the author replied to me: omg i feel honored to receive a comment from you. What really defines you as a writer is not about the fame and attention u get from the people but how you moved and inspire your readers that could change their lives. We, potential writers could save lives you know in our own weird ways ; )
I love to upvote!! :D But my stories are rarely upvoted~ :'/
I used to expect some upvote cause it really made me happy.. but now I dont really think about it...
I love ur stories btw.. <3
I don't have 25 karma to upvote. I'm so sorry ;(
It is possible that other subscribers do not have the right to upvote :3
This dilemma everywhere. Have a lot of subscribers, but few votes. Or a lot of votes, but almost no subscribers.
I hope that you understand my english :"D
I feel the same way! It really puzzles me... It just means you enjoyed the story and want to help promote it. I find it normal to automatically upvote with every subscription. I dunno people are odd ^^
Well...I may be subscribed to a story I might like, but I may not like it well enough to where I'd upvote it a lot ^^; Upvotes aren't everything in life nor are subscribers/commenters. If they like your story they'd upvote it it's the reader's choice entirely what they want to do. Just keep on writing and enjoying your story :D Remember, no one gets noticed right away. Even published authors don't get famous overnight.
It's alright. It can be a concern for some. I'm not really familiar with the process and this is just something I know very little of, but as far as I know, subscribers can get updates from you if ever you update your story or if there's a special announcement. Upvotes on the other hand, are kinda like points(?) I should say, given to your story if they they consider it to be good enough to be features or something like that. Again i'm not really familiar with the whole thing, but this is just as far as I know.
But either way, don't let it agitate you. People have different tastes when it comes to the genres of fanfics, so it can vary. Also, upvotes or not, I think it's more important to just enjoy writing your fanfic. :)
Don't worry about it too much! :)