Can I just say I love him?

If you guys haven't seen the article on EXO's new show EXO 90:2014, you should check it out. 

Apart from Chanyeol's disturbing remark which I really hope he doesn't do (shows how much I love him), can we just give some props to our man Baekhyun? I love how he just spoke about a love scene so openly while finally being able to say he's the only member being in a public relationship. With the unexpected (or maybe to some it was expected) turmoil that was raised from his relationship alone, it's surprising to find he's still able to be so humorous about it. Of course, it does not show his negligence to his fans about their opposition to his relationship, but it shows us something else. 

Despite many accusations made against him, Baekhyun is indeed a man. In his own way, he was reflecting towards his fans and maybe still is. He made a mistake, and it's hard to recover from that. But showing us how strong he is shows us much more than preserverence. He's willing to improve, and willing to gain people back again. Not like how he had done previously, but maybe this time a bit reliably. 

On another note, Chanyeol, please don't shave your hair. You're cute so please don't.


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