How to bounce back after a bad week of eating

Hello, guys. 

This week has been a bad week for me in terms of my eating. It started on Monday night when I practically ate the whole kitchen after the gym and just now I kind of overate during dinner. The feeling . I feel bloated and the fact that I can't help stepping on the scale almost everyday doesn't help. I gained more or less 2lb. At 5'8, I was 142 last week and earlier I was 144 lbs. 

I'm sure it has something to do with the food in my house. They bought junkfood and cake and chips and I just couldn't resist since I'd be away from home soon. Good news is that I go back to my apartment for school tomorrow where dieting is easier since you can control what food you have. 

So, the point of this blog is to help some of you who may have had/will have a bad week of eating while trying to lose weight. The key is to convince yourself that you can lose the weight you gained after a bad week/weekend, and I've come up with a few tips that can help;


1. The extra pounds you've gained after eating outside your diet is probably not really fat. This is most likely the case because 1 pound equals 3,500 calories, so unless you've eaten more than 3,500 calories, then that pound is probably not fat, it's probably just water or digested food in your intestines. 

Same goes with your stomach. Those extra inches are probably just a bloat that will go away as soon as you get back on track, so don't worry if your pants don't fit at the moment. 

That being said, the gained weight is not really your true weight (in most cases but it is still very possible that you've gained fat if you were sedentary during the bad week) but it's still as upsetting to see. I reccommend not weigh yourself when you know you did bad, and as much as possible, weigh yourself only once a week. 


2. DO NOT STARVE YOURSELF. You may feel terribly guilty after a sinful week/weekend but starving yourself will only slow your metabolism down and cause more weight gain when you eat again. Get back to your normal calories to balance things out from your bad eating. 

I made a meal plan for myself next week: lots of fruit to stock up in the apartment!


3. Exercise will help lessen the bloat and burn the extra pounds you've possibly gained. However, it's still important not to overdo it. Just remember that the pounds will come off if you work enough and be patient about it. 


4. Try to eliminate the food that got you bloated and depressed in the first place. If possible, replace them with fruits and vegetables and healthy snacks for the following week. Also try to avoid stress-eating since this is one of the main culprits of binging and weight gain. 


5. Don't deprive yourself. After a week of getting back on track, a cheat meal will boost your metabolism and help you lose more weight. Not only that, but it will strengthen your resolve to eat healthy the following weeks after!



These are a few things I can think of right now. I hope I lose this bloat, makes me feel really bad. Next week, I'm aiming for 140! So far, I've lost 11 pounds in two months. I'm guessing 2+ more months 'til I lose the remaining 15. Goodluck to us, everyone~! Hope this helped. 


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Tardisbabe #1
You make a good point. I know I've struggled with my weight enough to know that while eating healthy is good, you need to eat foods you like or you'll never keep up the plan. I know you will make it to your goal! :)
I think i'm doing well on my diet, I have a treat day once a week, but most days avoid the snacking. And I try to eat smaller potions but enough to fill me